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A Mother’s Day Prayer



We want to begin with gratitude for your plan in that you have chosen women to bring us into this world. Thank you for the love and sacrifice they made to bring us into this world.

Today we pray for every mother wherever they are, whatever they are doing, whatever their relationship with their children…may you provide them strength, encouragement and hope in Jesus Christ.

We pray for every mom working in the home as she serves everyone else in the home. For every mom busy doing laundry, cleaning the house, preparing meals and keeping up with the daily burdens of life that they may experience sanity in the middle of the crazy. That God would grant them an awareness of the presence of Christ and a reminder of His love as they work diligently loving everyone else in the family.

We pray for every mom working outside the home. God, would you grant them the necessary energy and in many instances a decreased sense of guilt when they cannot be home. Where a wife and mother are submitting to a husband’s desires, please grant her a spirit of worship for Christ even in her submission and activity of working outside the home. For every mom who desires to be at home, please grant her contentment as she dwells on your good plan and purposes for her.

We pray for every mom engaged in her child’s education. If she is under the strain and pressure of homeschooling, we pray that you would grant her joy in Christ, serenity of mind, renewal of purpose and the big perspective of her life, her goals and her responsibilities. If she volunteers at school, we pray that she would serve in a spirit of Christ-like servant-hood. We ask that you would protect her from gossip, worrying or offense; rather, that you would grant her a sweet spirit that exemplifies Christ to those she serves. For the mom who works with her child on homework, strives to make a certain bedtime, and uses her creativity on various projects, please grant her the wisdom to see the joy in the journey.

We pray for every mom of children with special needs. God, may you replenish her energy knowing that her heavenly reward is great. Please grant her the wisdom to know how to communicate in ways that are understood and honor you. As well, we ask that you would provide her the wisdom to know how best to minister to her special child.

We pray for every single mom. God, may her hope and strength be found in our great God who is the Father to the Fatherless. Please meet her physical, emotional and spiritual needs as she seeks to serve. Please provide her with wisdom and discernment as she makes daily choices to both serve her and her children. Please let her rest in your power God to provide and that she would understand the true love she has received from you through Jesus.

We pray for every expectant mom today. May God protect the amazing life growing inside of her. Thank you for superintending the important and delicate work taking place in her as this little one develops. We ask that you would grant her strength and confidence in Christ as she contemplates how her life is changing, as she undergoes the physical changes of pregnancy, and as she considers her baby’s future. Thank you for choosing her in this way to again celebrate life. We look forward when we can, alongside the mom, introduce this little one, Lord-willing, personally to the marvelous grace and love of Jesus.

We pray for every mom or lady who is struggling getting pregnant. We desire for you to bless her womb if it is your will. For today, right now, may she experience your love in the middle of this intense and uncertain battle. We pray that Jesus’ prayer in the Garden of “your will be done” would sustain her in this moment of unmet desire. We understand that you know what is best and that you will provide her with grace that sustains her in every moment.

We pray for every single lady who desires marriage and children. God, you know the inner desires and often unspoken hurt of those ladies today that desire marriage and children. Please grant her the comfort of your presence today. Help her value this appointed time of special service to You and your body. As it pleases You, please grant her request; however, ultimately help her be satisfied with Christ’s love for her.

We pray for every mom who has aborted her baby. Please provide her comfort today. Please let her recognize the beauty of forgiveness. Help her, we pray, embrace the love and forgiveness she has in Christ.

We pray for every mom who has given up her baby for adoption. We pray that today will be a day of gratitude as she contemplates her life-saving choice. Where she may have questions, concerns or just understandable curiosity, we pray that she would rest in her mind in your providential and gracious plan where she can trust you.

We pray for every mom who has children who are not close to her for whatever reason. If the child has passed away, we pray that the mom would receive your comfort. If the child has chosen to not write, speak or visit, we pray that your presence would sustain the mom. We pray that where possible, you would use this time to help restore relationships that need to be mended.

For those today whose moms have passed away, may this be a day of honor, grace and fond memories for her.

Thank you God for giving us these lovely, imperfect, sacrificial people. We pray that you will grant each mom the ability to rest today in your grace. Please help her see her sin as forgiven on the cross. Please grant her the eyes to see the beauty she has in Christ. Please provide for her the fresh breath of life in Christ, a dependence upon the Gospel, and the blessings poured out on her as a saint in Christ.

When she is worn out and tired, please refresh her physically and spiritually in Christ. Please grant her the patience to know and serve her children while helping her children know you. Please help her be wise in responding to the demands and desires of her child. Please encourage her with your presence when she feels lonely and busy. Please help her see the monotony of her daily chores as part of her love and service to Christ.

Thank you for making yourself known to us through them. Thank you that our society has chosen today as a day to reflect. Please grant us the wisdom to show appropriate gratitude and creativity. Please also grant us the awareness of those around us today who celebrate this Mother’s Day as part of their own life story.

Please receive the glory today in our desires as well as in our gratitude expressed both publically and in prayer to you and the ladies around us.

In Jesus name, Amen

Permissions Granted: I have had several ask to use this in bulletins and Mother’s Day services. Permission is granted to use this in any format you choose. Please just credit the source.
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