
Have you ever wondered if you should say something?

Sometimes I’ve thought, “Do I have authority to say something? Should I speak up?”

The last thing anyone needs is someone speaking out of turn or making statements they have no authority to make. After all, who likes someone who speaks when they have no authority to do so?

I’m wondering about the gospel.

It is the last week of Jesus’ life. In fact, according to John, these words are the last recorded public words He will say while on earth, outside of the sayings on the cross. With these words, He’s finished. The remainder of the book focuses on personal conversation with disciples and events that happen to Jesus, including His death on the cross and resurrection. So what does He say?

“He who believes in Me, believes not in Me but in Him who sent Me…For I have not spoken on My own authority; but the Father who sent Me gave Me a command, what I should say and what I should speak. And I know that His command is everlasting life. Therefore, whatever I speak , just as the Father has told Me, so I speak.”

Interesting. Powerful words. This is an incredibly bold statement.

If you believe Jesus and follow His words, then you can have eternal life.

Yes, He had authority as Jesus Christ the incarnate One to offer eternal life to people. Not just the authority, He was commanded to offer salvation to all – a public proclamation of the gospel. To recap it: Jesus shared the gospel because God gave Him the authority to do so; in fact, commanded it.

So now back to my question…should I say it or not?

“Say what?” you ask.

Should I tell someone that Jesus died to pay for his or her sins and now God offers eternal life to any person who asks Him for forgiveness of sins? Share the fact that no one has to die and face eternal punishment because Christ makes eternal life possible? Even bigger, remind another that eternal life is only offered through Jesus Christ (John 14:6)?

The simple answer: yes!

There are two reasons for sharing this message. First, we should speak the gospel message to others because Jesus commanded it (Matthew 28:18-20). All authority was given to Jesus and in that authority, He commanded us to make disciples. Making disciples of Christ begins with the sharing of the gospel.

Second, as followers of Christ, we are ambassadors for Christ. Paul writes, “As though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God” (2 Corinthians 5:20). As an ambassador for Christ, I must share His message of reconciliation with anyone who will listen.

Should I share the gospel? Yes
Do I have authority to share the gospel? Yes
Would I be disobedient if I failed to share the gospel? Yes

I am passionate about sharing the gospel because Christ’s plea is made through me.
I am compelled to share the gospel because Christ loved me.
I am excited to share the gospel because Christ loves you and so do I.
I am obedient to share the gospel because Christ commanded me and gave me the authority to do so.

Just as Jesus said that His words bring eternal life,
my words, as I quote Him and represent Him by sharing His words, do as well.
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