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Characteristics of a GOOD Fisherman


If it is worth doing, it is worth doing well. This general life principle provides guidance to all of us. This, no doubt, is also true to fishing.

If you are going to fish, of course you want to know the characteristics of a GOOD fisherman.

Recently at our 42nd annual trip to Kentucky Lake as an extended family, we all sat together and discussed the question, “What are the characteristics of a good fisherman?” The answers varied.

To catch good fish is not easy. Anyone can grab a pole and some bait and try. However, it takes skill, education, practice, and persistence to become a GOOD fisherman.

Jesus understood this.

Jesus chose fishing as one of his primary metaphors to capture the discipleship process. When calling Peter, James, John, and Andrew, Jesus says, “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:18-22; Mark 1:17; Luke 5:1-11). When challenging these men, primarily Peter, to become fully devoted followers, Jesus called them from fishing for fish to fishing for men.

Jesus further described the discipleship process in three aspects: going, assimilating, and teaching (Matthew 28:19-20). Although not directly referring to fishing, it is certainly true that you cannot be a GOOD fisherman without first going to a body of water with the intention of catching fish.

The characteristics of a GOOD fisherman of fish also apply to becoming a GOOD fisherman of men.






A GOOD fisherman actually fishes.

It is not enough to just talk about fishing, learn about fishing, or desire to fish. To be a GOOD fisherman, you must actually do something. You must wet a hook – engage in the process of fishing. Peter and the other disciples understood this when Jesus told them to cast their net on the right side of the boat (John 21:6). They caught an incredible amount of fish – impossible though unless they had been willing to actually cast the net. Likewise, we all must cast the net as GOOD fishermen of men. Your neighbor, coworker, family member, or anyone with whom you come into contact need the message of Jesus Christ for salvation. Opportunities are everywhere. We must take advantage of those opportunities and lovingly share the great news of the Gospel.

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What other ways can you think of that correlates well the ideas of being GOOD fishermen of fish and men?

Pastor Kevin’s Blog | Walking together through life as friends in Christ sharing wisdom along the journey

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