This Christmas season many focus on being kind. Families strive to do Random Acts of Kindness (RAKS) throughout the advent. For those less creative, many RAK advent calendars are available online. In a recent internet search, I noticed that many people and organizations encourage others this season to practice RAKS from teacher resource pages to homeschool groups to the Hallmark Channel.
To be clear, I am 100% for this. In fact, my family is doing our own RAKS challenge this Christmas season. We hope to have completed 150 RAKS by the time Christmas day arrives. Here’s my question for you to consider: if various groups encourage RAKS, what makes your practice specifically a Christian practice and celebration of Christmas?
Being Kind Like Christ
As a follower of Christ, your kindness should be better than ordinary kindness. Notice what the Apostle Paul writes:
32 And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you. (Eph 4:32)
In this section of Ephesians, Paul describes the Christian’s heart as made new. At salvation Christ gives the new believer a new, righteous heart disposition allowing him or her to begin to honor Christ in his or her thinking, affections, and behavior. One of the specific examples Paul gives is kindness – be kind like Christ.
Yes, Be Kind Plus More
The difference between the Christ-follower’s kindness and the kindness of any other person is at the heart level. Since we understand the love of Christ, our kindness must be motivated by that same love (cf., 2 Cor 5:14-15). As those who have experienced the kindness of Christ when we did not deserve it (which is the heart of the gospel), we desire to share that same love with others daily. Therefore, be kind and practice RAKS this advent season! But make sure you do it for the best reason – to share the kindness Christ has shown to you to another person.
Here are four sample RAKS advent calendars you can find online.