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Speak Life (1-Minute Mondays)

Never underestimate the power of your words. As you move throughout your day, every person you meet provides you the opportunity to do incredible good or incredible damage. It is so easy to think that what we say and how we say it does not really matter. But friend, nothing could be further away from the truth.

When you speak, your words mean something. The spoken word settles deep within the heart. The well-placed word functions as salve to the downcast soul, as power to the weak spirit, and as compassion to the discouraged heart.

Your words can build up.

As followers of Christ who understand the Gospel, you have a special opportunity and responsibility with your words. Paul writes:

29 Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. (Ephesians 4:29)

Your words are either corrupt or good. Corrupt here means rotten or spoiled, like old food that makes you sick. Good means something that benefits, builds up, or promotes growth.

You have a choice with your words.

The words you say fit into one of two categories: either good or corrupt.

Your words have the power to…

Today, challenge yourself to build up people with your words. Just think, your words can be like a breath of fresh air on a stifling day or like a glass of refreshing water to a thirsty soul. How will you use your words today? | Walking together through life as friends in Christ sharing wisdom along the journey
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