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Do Not Look to the Clouds to Consider Heaven

Dear Christ-follower, heaven is ahead! As an avid fisherman over my lifetime, one of my favorite signs in the world reads, “Road ends in water.” Why? Because I know the fishing destination is just ahead. Anticipation builds. What I long for is just at the end of this road. The difficulties, challenges, ups and downs, curves, and bumps have all led to this place – the place for which I have longed.

For you Christian, this is true as well.

What we long for – heaven – is just at the end of this road. We look forward to that day when we can all gather together in that place God has prepared for us (John 14:1-6).

In today’s blog, Randy Alcorn helps us begin to think correctly about heaven. This quick but great read is from Day 1 of “Fix Your Eyes On Eternity: A 12-Day Devotional On Heaven And The New Earth” from YouVersion (if you desire to read the rest of the devotional, you can subscribe here).

By Randy Alcorn

A pastor once confessed to me, “Whenever I think about Heaven, it makes me depressed. I’d rather just cease to exist when I die.”

“Why?” I asked.

“To float around in the clouds with nothing to do but strum a harp . . . it’s all so terribly boring. Heaven doesn’t sound much better than Hell.”

Where did this Bible-believing, seminary-educated pastor get such a view of Heaven? Certainly not from Scripture, where Paul said that to depart and be with Christ was far better than staying on a sin-cursed Earth (Philippians 1:23). My friend was more honest than most, yet I’ve found that many Christians share the same misconceptions about Heaven.

In order to get a picture of Heaven—which will one day be centered on the New Earth—you don’t need to look up at the clouds; you simply need to look around you and imagine what all this would be like without sin and death and suffering.

So look out a window. Take a walk. Use your God-given skills to paint or draw or build a shed or write a book. Imagine our world—all of it—in its original condition: The happy dog with the wagging tail, not the snarling beast, beaten and starved. The flowers not wilted, the grass not dying, the blue sky without pollution. People smiling and joyful, not angry, depressed, and empty. If you’re not in a particularly beautiful place, close your eyes and envision the best place you’ve ever been—complete with trees, mountains, and waterfalls.

Think of friends or family members who loved Jesus and are with Him now. Picture them with you, walking together in this place. Now you see someone coming toward you. It’s Jesus, with a big smile on His face.

At last, you’re with the person you were made for, in the place you were made for. Everywhere you go, there will be new people and places to enjoy, new things to discover. What’s that you smell? A feast. A party’s ahead, and you’re invited. There’s exploration and work to be done—you can’t wait to get started.

Heaven is a place worth thinking and talking and dreaming about. Once you understand what the Bible says about Heaven—especially when you learn to think of it in terms of the New Earth—you’ll look forward to living there!

From Kevin again: If you do not know how to get to heaven, please Click Here.


About the Author:
A New York Times bestselling author, Randy has written over fifty books, including Happiness, Heaven, The Treasure Principle, and the Gold Medallion winner Safely Home. His books have been translated into over sixty languages and have sold over nine million copies.

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