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Advent Readings for the Whole Family

Over the years, our family has tried various Advent readings. In a world where the commercialization and Christmas tradition often overpower the celebration of Jesus as our Savior, we have sought out ways to keep the message of the birth and life of Jesus in front of our children.

Maybe like you, our concern is simple: we do not want Jesus to be overshadowed by presents, blockbuster movies, Christmas traditions, popular songs, mistletoe, or various great activities.

Instead, we want our children and our home focused on Jesus as our humble Savior Who sacrificially came in a manger to die for our sins.

For this reason, we try various ways to do Advent readings with our family. There are many great ideas with calendars you can make on your own or very nice books you can purchase to go over as a family.

This year, we are choosing the Gospel of Luke as our Advent readings.

The Gospel of Luke

The Gospel of Luke consists of twenty-four chapters. Therefore, we will read one chapter per day which corresponds to the calendar day of the month beginning December 1st. We will finish the Gospel of Luke on December 24th. On Christmas day we may review some of the birth narrative at the beginning of the Gospel. Between Christmas and New Year’s, we will continue the story for a few days in the Book of Acts (first six chapters).

When Christmas day gets here, as a family, we will have reviewed the entire life of Jesus for our Advent readings this year.

Luke is a great historian and his narrative is riveting. As the official biographer of Jesus, he provides you and your family an easy-to-follow account of Jesus’ life.

Pick Your Approach

Every family and/or individual chooses how best to read and consider God’s Word. For families, let me suggest three ideas:

  1. Read the day’s reading out loud around a table or your family room. When finished, pick a specific verse or idea to focus on as a family. You may want to sing together. If you do, come prepared with a song. Further, always end your time in prayer as you consider celebrating the birth and life of Jesus.
  2. Have each person read the day’s reading on their own. In the evening, either around the meal or at a determined time, discuss the day’s reading as a family. Either pick a specific verse or idea to focus on as a family or have each person share a highlight. In a similar way to the previous idea, come prepared. You may want to sing together. Further, always end your time in prayer as you consider celebrating the birth and life of Jesus.
  3. Use a group social media app or group texting to connect the family on the day’s readings. Because of scheduling and possibly being in different locations, your family may not be able to be together at a specific time to do your reading and discussion. However, you still want your family to participate in an Advent reading schedule. You still desire your family to prepare for Christmas. Therefore, have your family members each share a specific verse or thought from the day’s reading through your preferred app. In addition, share something each one is grateful for and a specific prayer request for which he/she is praying. In addition, you can always link to music videos, Spotify or Apple Music songs, or YouTube in order to share music with each other.

Have Fun and Celebrate Christ

As you go, enjoy your time as a family!

Remember, your goal is to remember Jesus first and foremost during this Christmas season. The traditions, gifts, music, activities, and movies provide fun; however, Jesus remains our focus.

Whether you choose this simple and inexpensive way to do your Advent readings, or you do your own more elaborate plan, just do something. Come Christmas morning, you’ll be excited and grateful that you did. | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together

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