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Christmas Touched by Death by Brent Aucoin

by Brent Aucoin

Editor’s Note: My friend Brent Aucoin recently shared this short blog on Facebook. In it, he speaks to the first Christmas after the death of his mom. It challenged my heart, reminded me of several for which I should pray, and I think it will bless yours as well.  

Merry Christmas to those who have been touched by death this year,

As you may remember my mother died unexpectedly this past May.

To Those Touched by a Death This Year

My normal Christmas decision of whether to travel back home to Oklahoma has been made for me.

No, I will not travel to Oklahoma. Mom is not there. I brought Mom’s Christmas tree to Lafayette from Oklahoma and now it stands in place of ours this Christmas.

If you look closely at the Christmas tree to the right, at the 11:00 position just above and to the left of the only bright pink ornament, you can see a light blue Elvis on the very light blue tree. Mom loved Elvis and light blue.

My sister will travel to Indiana this coming week to visit us and she will pick some of her favorite ornaments from mom’s tree. Perhaps she will take Elvis with his blue suede shoes.

Still a Hole in the Holidays

While I expect a blessed time with my sister and church family this Christmas, there is still a hole in the holidays. There is an element of sadness amidst the joyous celebration. It takes conscious effort to remember why Christmas is “merry.”

Yet, I suppose every day, in the sin-cursed world around us, we must intentionally choose to remember the accomplishment of Christ’s incarnation and His subsequent work on the cross.

It’s not just at Christmas time, but every day should be tinged with sadness because of death all around as we wait for the fullness of joy when Christ returns and wipes away every tear.

Christ’s Healing Hope in the Midst of Our Sadness and Grief

The only holes on that day will be in the side and hands of Christ. The only scars will be on Him and not us.

If you have been touched by death this year in some way, you are probably like me—your loved one’s absence is felt on a regular basis. Moments of grief wash over you at expected and unexpected times.

I will pray for you as I pray for me and my family as well. My prayer will be that we use the occasion of Christ’s first coming to develop a deepening desire for His second coming that wipes away all tears. And, as God gives us life on this earth, I pray we would immerse ourselves not in grief, but in imparting the grace of God to others so that they too might have hope amidst an existence touched by the sting of death (2 Corinthians 1:3-4).

Only in heaven will the holes be completely filled, but we can certainly help one another with the present emptiness to indeed have a “Merry” Christmas as we wait.




About the Author:
Brent is a follower of Jesus Christ, a husband, father, and a caring pastor. He loves Jesus Christ and the church. Brent serves as a long-term pastor, experienced biblical counselor, and seminary professor. Brent has helped train thousands of biblical counselors nationally and internationally through Faith Biblical Counseling Ministry in Lafayette, IN. I think one of the highest compliments that I can give Brent is the fact that he lives what he teaches. It has been a joy of mine both traveling with and serving alongside Brent.

This is an edited version of what originally appeared on Brent’s Facebook page.


Image Credit Markus Spiske | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together

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