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True Perspective (#OneMinuteMondays)

How often have you tried to walk through your house in the dark?

Have you ever tried walking outside in a dark area without a light?

Both instances are hard. Without any light, the task of getting where you want to go becomes harder.

Light Helps You Get Where You Want To Go

The psalmist helps us remember how light helps us get where we want to go spiritually as well:

105 Your word is a lamp to my feet
And a light to my path.
(Psalm 119:105)

In this verse, the psalmist reminds us of how God’s Word helps us get through life.

There are three key observations to consider about this simple truth.

How the Word of God Helps You

First, the Bible provides light. Throughout the Bible, anything contrary to God and His righteous truth is considered darkness. As such, the Bible provides light in a dark world. The Apostle Paul picks this theme up and challenges all believers to walk in the light (Eph 5:8-14).

Second, the Bible provides true perspective. I appreciate my friend Daniel Kirkhart’s wise observation regarding light. Whenever it is dark, even if you know what’s there, you can’t see well enough to get perspective. You end up groping along in the dark. However, the light provides true perspective. Be sure to get this: light does not change what is there in front of and around you, light simply provides perspective for you as you engage it.

Third, the Bible makes the path easier. As you gain perspective, the light provides you the way forward. Although nothing specifically changes around you, the light at least gives you the best opportunity and ability to maneuver around and through it. The light allows you to see the path for what it is and where it is.

Make the Best Use of the Light

As you begin your new day and week, stop long enough to take advantage of the light God’s Word provides you on your path. Take five minutes and read, consider what you read, and then seek to make application to the path around you. Use the perspective God’s Word provides to bless you as God intends.

Image Credit Thomas Lipke | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together

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