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Have You Said Thank You? And, To Whom? (What about Prayer too?)

I heard a politician ask an essential worker yesterday, “When’s the last time someone said ‘Thank you’ to you?” He went on to say he did not imagine anyone was saying “Thank you” to essential workers.

To be honest, that bothered me. I know I have tried. But I wonder if I have tried hard enough? Fellow Christian, have you been diligent in this area?

I sat down to write a list of essential workers that I know. I then decided to search to see if there was a list. Sure enough, there was an extensive list put together by Newsweek (which I have duplicated below).

As followers of Christ, I would suggest we need to do two things. First, be grateful – to God and to those essential workers. Second, pray for those for whom we are grateful. Clearly we should both be grateful and prayerful regarding those essential workers around us who diligently seek to serve us. Paul wrote, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;” (Phil 4:6). Further, he wrote, “Giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,” (Eph 5:20).

A Challenge For You

How many essential workers do you think you could both thank and pray for today?

As you are out, as you engage media, as you just sit and read through this list, how many people can you specifically be thankful to God for and pray God’s blessings on them and their work?

In addition, how many people can you also communicate your gratitude to? You can do it in person if you see them at the gas station, doctor’s office, or as they deliver your mail. Potentially you can write cards or notes and mail them to them. Email may be a good option. Texting. Tweets. Facebook notes. Snaps. Messenger. As you can see, there are many ways you can do this.

Begin today and try to challenge yourself at least throughout this weekend to do the same.

Essential Worker List from Newsweek

The following list comes from Newsweek and is the list they put together. I see there are some missing as you will too. But, this list will at least get you started if you need ideas for whom you should be grateful – some in your life and others diligently serving you of whom you have never considered. I think this list will surprise you; I know it did me. There are so many, yet even more that you and I could add as well.

Private and Public Healthcare Essential Workers

Law Enforcement, public safety officers and first responders

Food and Agriculture Essential Workers

Essential Worker in the Energy Sector

Electricity industry:

Petroleum industry:

Natural Gas, Natural Gas Liquids (NGL), Propane, and other liquid fuels:

Waster and Waterwaste Essential Workers According to CISA

Employees needed to operate and maintain drinking water and wastewater/drainage infrastructure, including:

Transportation and Logistics Essential Workers

Public Works and Infrastructure Services

Communications and Information Technology Workers


Information Technology:

Community and Government Workers

Critical Manufacturing

Hazardous Materials

Financial Services

Chemical Essential Workers

Essential Workers for Defense Industrial Base

Commercial Facilities Workers Deemed Essential

Residential and Shelter Services and Facilities

Hygiene Products and Services | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together

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