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Man Is Created a Social and Working Being by Bill Piatt and Kevin Carson – Part 2

By Bill Piatt and Kevin Carson

Editor’s Note: My dear friend and ministry partner Bill Piatt recently worked through some of Jay Adams’ ideas from More than Redemption related to how Adams views man. Yesterday, we identified what Adams said about man. In today’s blog, we provide very practical expressions for daily living and practice.

Yesterday we considered Jay Adams’ view of man as a moral being, a social being, and a working being. We suggested that for these reasons the COVID-19 shutdown and slow recovery program has produced a tough environment for both various kinds of workers and students.

What a great opportunity to learn self-discipline skills! Of course, the truth that God uses such frustrations as opportunities for all of us to grow in His likeness still holds true. Although, seeing this as part of God’s grace will be difficult for many people when there seems to be nothing good coming out of it. This produces yet another level of struggle.

Today, we present some practical suggestions for working through these struggles. As you will notice, as consistent with Jay Adams’ view discussed yesterday, they focus quite a bit on a person’s behavior and thinking. It is important, therefore, in addition to these thoughts, all of us must remember our purpose of life and the absolute necessity of intentionally pursuing Christ through knowing Him through His Word (worshipping Him/treasuring Him). In other words, we must remember how God uses pressured situations to grow us as we seek to become more like Christ while understanding the implications of the Gospel.

To only change our behavior and/or our thinking without also focusing on the heart, the changes will only serve to soothe superficially. However, we also realize there is a blessing in both “knowing” and “doing” (John 13:17). We must get busy doing what is right and good as we develop our awareness of Who God is and the implications of that in living as a worshiper.We realize there is a blessing in both “knowing” and “doing” (John 13:17). We must get busy doing what is right and good as we develop our awareness of Who God is and the implications of that in living as a worshiper. Click To Tweet

Application Related to COVID-19

As discussed yesterday, consider the person who is accustomed to having a very specific work structure and now is without that particular structure. He/she is left to be productive in creative ways, but is still a social being as well as a working being. He/she is not around the usual co-workers who have become more a part of the person’s world than most recognize. Because of this, we as counselors and friends may also need to help some find creative ways to develop skills at the self-discipline that will encourage a work ethic that goes beyond waiting to have instructions given or tasks assigned. Can we help them assign tasks for themselves that will be productive?

Specific Ideas to Help Connect Practical Ways for Daily Living

For Those with Too Much Extra Time

For those with too much extra time on their hands, we may need to help them think through some wise ways to use their time. One consideration would be to help them develop a list of options. Here is the start of a creative germ list for those out of work with too much time on their hands:

For Those Who Miss the Social Interaction with Others

The difficulty of being around people for several hours each day and then the restriction of being confined to family may also present some challenges. It is a great opportunity to build (or rebuild) relationships within the family. Working together with family can be a great relationship builder, plus we are often more productive as a team. These are great opportunities to work on communication skills in living out the love of Christ to family. Would it help to suggest ways to interact as a family? Or perhaps even ways to be socially interactive without violating social distancing?

For Those Especially Troubled with Specific Temptations

Our hearts are prone to wander and pressures in life reveal our treasures, values, functional beliefs. As Calvin suggested, “Our hearts are factories of idols.” Given this reality it is no wonder that people are struggling with the present restrictions. The answer, of course, is to pursue Christ first and foremost. So our idols of the heart will evidence themselves during such times as these.

About the Author:
Bill is a follower of Jesus Christ, a husband to Mary Ann, a father to two adult children, a granddad to six, and great granddad to eleven. He worships and serves as the director of biblical counseling at Sonrise Baptist Church in Ozark, MO, is an adjunct faculty member at Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary in Springfield, MO, and is a church planter. Bill also serves as an ACBC Fellow, is IABC certified, leads a biblical counseling training center, and regularly counsels. Over the years, he has served as a counselor for many pastors, missionaries, their families, and other Christian workers.

I am grateful he is my brother, friend, and colleague.


Image Credit Vlada Karpovich | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together

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