Dear Heavenly Father,

On this Election Day 2020 we come before Your throne in gratitude for the privilege to pour our hearts out to you in prayer through Jesus Christ.

We praise You for our wonderful country. You graciously have allowed us providentially to live in one of the most prosperous and free countries in world history. We understand our great and incredible responsibility for careful stewardship of this great opportunity. As a nation, we certainly cannot thank you enough for what You have given to us by your grace.

We thank You for our history and for the brave soldiers who under Your providential hand provided us this land of the free. When we look backwards over the course of our history, we rejoice in each individual American’s right to vote, for our Constitutional Republic, and the peaceful transfer of power throughout our history. Although the men who founded this nation were far from perfect, we thank You again for Your providential work in their lives as they penned the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

On this day, we pray for our fellow citizens as they vote. Please give them discernment to do Your will. We ask again for Your providential guidance as we each vote our conscience.

As we wait on everyone to both vote and then have their vote tallied, please give us rest. For those of us who are nervous, worried, or otherwise unsettled in our hearts, please help us trust in You, Your character, Your sovereignty, and Your plan. We also ask that You would help us trust our fellow Americans too.

We pray for a smooth process today. As the votes are cast and tallied, please provide protection, safety, and integrity of this process. We ask that You would frustrate the plans of anyone who would disrupt the process, cheat at the ballot box, or otherwise do something that would disenfranchise other citizens.

Likewise, as the votes come in, please help each of us to accept the results. Whatever the result of this election, we take time to praise and thank You now. We do not need the results in order to know You are worthy of our praise.

We pray for both the major candidates on this day. Please give Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump wisdom, wise advisors, and a steady spirit. We recognize the heart of the king is in Your hands and that You raise leaders and tear down leaders according to Your plan. In this way, we pray that Your will would be done.

We do ask that through this election You would help protect our Nation and our individual freedom. Through this election, please provide for greater opportunities to both live and share the Gospel. We desire to go to church, live according to the teaching of the Bible, and freely worship. We recognize all these things are affected by and through elections; therefore, we ask that you would work for our good today.

Thank You for your care, kindness, and sovereignty. As we take responsibility for our part, we leave the rest in Your hands. We are thankful we can trust You.

May each one of us choose to love our neighbors regardless of their personal choices in this election as we love ourselves.

Further, as You have so faithfully done in the past, may God bless America.

In Jesus name, Amen.


Psalm 62:5-8

My soul, wait silently for God alone,
For my expectation is from Him.
He only is my rock and my salvation;
He is my defense;
I shall not be moved.
In God is my salvation and my glory;
The rock of my strength,
And my refuge, is in God.

Trust in Him at all times, you people;
Pour out your heart before Him;
God is a refuge for us. Selah | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together