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Keeping Your Focus on What Is Essential (#OneMinuteMondays)


Welcome to a new week – the first one post-election 2020 and the first week before the rest of your life.

The benefit of the dawn of every day is that it is the first day to the rest of your life. After the craziness of this election season, which is still being battled out in the courts, it benefits us to take the long view of life rather than even the immediate rear view.

As you start this week, let me share some advice with you that Jesus shared with Martha in the Bible which may be just the encouragement you need as we get this week started.

Understand What Is Essential

Martha and Mary invited Jesus into their house. As was customary, the host would prepare a meal and serve the honored guest. As was also typical for Jesus, He would sit and teach those around Him since He was the honored guest. Here is the story.

Jesus sits teaching; Mary sits at his feet.

Martha alone busily prepares for Jesus and His entourage. She is steaming with frustration because Mary is sitting instead of helping her prepare. She complains to Jesus and demands He ask Mary to get to work.

Jesus responds:

41 And Jesus answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. 42 But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:38-42)

Jesus tells Martha, “Mary has chosen the essential part.”

What Is the Essential Part?

The essential part is this: Jesus commended Mary for sitting at His feet and listening to His teaching.

The essential thing: listening to Jesus.

Two things for you to consider as you begin your week:

First, in order for you to sit at Jesus’ feet, you need to read God’s Word and listen to its teaching through preaching or other means. Take time today as you begin your week to sit at the feet of Jesus through reading and contemplating on God’s Word.

Second, try not to get distracted. Martha was distracted by her busyness. Although she was appropriately busy, she allowed those preparations to distract her from what was better – sitting at the feet of Jesus. The reality for Martha is also a reality for each of us this week. We also can be distracted doing many good things as well. We cannot let these distractions keep us from what is best.

As we begin this new week, let’s work hard to keep our focus on what is essential as we go about serving those around us well for the glory of God.


Image Credit  Aaron Burden | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together

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