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Should Christians Take the COVID-19 Vaccination? — An Ask Pastor Kevin Response

Ask Pastor Kevin

This week I have had more than one reader ask, “What is the best response to the new COVID-19 vaccination? What are you thinking? Do you have any advice?”

Admittedly, as you the reader knows, I am not a medical doctor, so my response is based upon reading, interviews with two M.D.s, and my own understanding of the issues involved. Unlike most Ask Pastor Kevin responses, I have linked to multiple articles in this post. I think everything you need to know in order to make a very informed decision can be found in this list of articles I have highlighted throughout this post.

Also a bit unusual, I am giving you the bottom line up front. The question I am answering is limited in its scope. Is there something biblically or morally wrong with taking the COVID vaccination? My answer based off of what I understand is, if you choose to take it, there is nothing inherently biblical or moral about this vaccination which prevents you from doing so. In other words, you may have personal reasons for not taking or not at least wanting to take this vaccination; however, from my understanding, there is nothing at face value biblically or morally that should keep you from doing so. Again, this is not a wholesale argument for or against this vaccine or all vaccines; I am answering the question of whether or not there is a biblical injunction against it.

Please be aware, I am not recommending this vaccine. The personal decision to receive a vaccination should be researched thoughtfully and prayerful, then discussed with your doctor at length before agreeing to do so. This is even more true when you decide to give one to one of your children. I am simply answering the biblical and moral question based upon what I understand from my reading and conversations. The wisdom issue of receiving a vaccination is a separate question.

At the top of this article as well, let me commend those who desire to live a life full of moral integrity. Many Christians sincerely disagree on the use of vaccinations from a variety of points of view, one of which is the development of the vaccines. It is easy to allow the ends to justify the means. Yet, many Christians seek to be as consistent as possible in this regard. For that, I am grateful. Some Christians may choose to not get this vaccination, which is their prerogative; regardless, whatever their choice, I’m grateful people care and are concerned over what they should do that best honors the Lord. Some will say for the sake of their conscience and to make sure they have done nothing possibly morally questionable, they will pass on the vaccination. This is an issue of secondary disagreement and should not cause disunity among Christians.

Some have asked about the use of fetal tissue in the vaccine’s development. Others have wondered about if it changes one’s DNA. Still others have asked about its medical efficacy and worry about long-term effects. All these issues are dealt with in the links below. I highly recommend all of these articles. Most of us will not get the vaccination this week (although I have several medical personnel friends who are getting them as early as tomorrow); therefore, you should have time to read through these articles on your own to make your own informed decision.

Here are a list of resources for your own reading and growth in this issue related to vaccinations for COVID-19. (Related: these articles specifically deal with the COVID-19 vaccination and not other types of vaccinations.) As you get started, let me publicly thank Dr. Charles Hodges for his lengthy conversation and commensurate patience to make sure I understand these issues as thoroughly as I possibly can.

Vaccines and the Christian Worldview: Principles for Christian Thinking in the Context of COVID by Albert Mohler

Albert Mohler often addresses issues of moral and worldview concern on his daily podcast. Here is a recent article he produced explaining the issue as he perceives it. Mohler answers seven questions he poses to help you consider the issues carefully. Part of his conclusion:

Reasonable Christians and Christian parents will differ over whether or not to take the vaccine. But, speaking personally, I will take this vaccine as soon as it is available to me. I will take it not only for what I hope will be the good of my own health, but for others as well. I will seek to encourage others to take the vaccine. Encouragement, however, is very different from coercion.

This is an absolutely historic and crucial moment. This pandemic has wrought untold destruction—and we are, I pray, in the final months of this contagion’s deadly advance. The creation of vaccines in such a short amount of time is something to be celebrated. And as Christians begin to decide whether or not to take the vaccine, it is important to understand the serious moral complexities involved. We must think biblically about this vital issue.

Joe Carter and The Gospel Coalition

If you are familiar with The Gospel Coalition (TGC), then you know the name Joe Carter. He has written extensively related to issues of cultural significance. He serves as one of the editors of TGC. He has written two articles of significance related to this issue. Both of his articles answer frequently asked questions.

The FAQs: What You Should Know About COVID-19 Vaccines by Joe Carter

The FAQs: Are Fetal Cells Being Used in COVID-19 Vaccines and Treatments?

RNA Vaccines: Harnessing God’s design to help prevent sickness, but will the new vaccine technology alter our DNA? by Robert Carter

The editors of seek to help us understand multiple issues related to the use of this particular vaccination, particularly MRNA vaccines. Although written from a scientific perspective, Robert Carter writes in a way that you can understand the issues without much scientific knowledge. He deals with the following six key points:

What are RNA vaccines and how do they work?

How do Moderna and Pfizer make their RNA vaccines?

Could an RNA vaccine alter our DNA?

Pros and cons of the new technology

How is an RNA vaccine different from older vaccine technologies?

Other potential concerns

Read more at this link.

Use of Pfizer, Moderna COVID-19 vaccines is morally acceptable, say bishops by Julie Asher

Julie Asher, writing for Catholic News Service, clarifies the issue of the Catholic church related to this vaccine. She writes, “While confusion has arisen in recent days in the media over “the moral permissibility” of using the COVID-19 vaccines just announced by Pfizer Inc. and Moderna, it is not “immoral to be vaccinated with them,” the chairmen of the U.S. bishops’ doctrine and pro-life committees said Nov. 23.” She clarifies this position since Catholics maintain a long-standing pro-life position.

Word of Caution

As I wrote at the beginning, I am not a scientist nor am I a M.D. Just as you, I have to trust others who know more – in this instance, two M.D.s and what I could read online from those who understand the issues better than I. This post relates to the COVID-19 vaccination only. I do not know about other vaccinations nor have I studied them. As I mentioned earlier, many Christians differ on these issues and that of course is fine. I appreciate people desiring to be careful both with their morals and their health. We never want to get into an ethical dilemma of the ends justifying the means. I humbly present my opinion as my opinion. As always, my opinions are mine alone and do not represent the official position of the church or school where I serve. The reason I make this clarification is simple: this is a secondary issue and good people can disagree. I was asked to give whatever direction I can, and that is what I sought to do.

Updated 12.17.2020 1:50 pm

Image Credit Nataliya Vaitkevich | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together

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