The first Monday – and first full week – of the year!

Let’s be realistic… 2021 arrived and almost all the problems of 2020 stayed around to greet it.

  • Politics and politicians – still with us
  • COVID-19 – still with us
  • Financial pressures – still with us
  • You can add more… my list just gets us started

Are there things about which we can all complain?

Is it easy to get in a habit of raining on everyone’s parade?

Can you voice your “concerns” about so many things and people that you come across as a negative person?

Yes, yes, and yes.

Is there another way?

We can be positive because we have hope.

What if we chose to be positive today? Think about it. You show up to work, school, wherever and you have a positive attitude.

What would people think? What would they say? Would they see a major difference?

My point on this first Monday is this: you can be positive because you have hope in Christ not hope in a new year. We do not want to look at a day on the calendar for our hope this week. As followers of Christ, our hope is in Christ. We depend upon Him to help sustain us – even in the midst of these hard days.

What hope do you have in Christ today?

Let me remind you briefly of the hope you have in Christ. These statements will provide you something to meditate on and consider as you begin this first week of the year.

  • Jesus will never leave you. He is with you (Matt 28:20).
  • Jesus understands your pressures. As our great High Priest, He intercedes for us and provides us great mercy and grace in our time of need (Heb 4:14-16).
  • Jesus provides you peace with God and peace with your neighbor through the cross (Eph 2:14-18).
  • Jesus gives you everything you need for life and godliness (2 Pet 1:3-11).

This list at least gets you started in terms of meditating on how your hope is in Christ today – not on a day on the calendar, not in Washington D.C., and not in any other person. Your hope on this the first Monday of the new year is in Christ.

As you go out then and engage your day, be positive. Watch what an incredible difference it makes in you and in those around you.


Image Credit Tatiana Syrikova | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together