“Don’t let them steal it!”
I’ve heard any number of people make this exclamation over the past couple of months. We could talk about, well, you pick the national group, that have called out to not let organizations, political parties, individuals, courts, or whomever steal the election, a seat, an office, etc.
Let me suggest something different today. I am encouraging you as well to not anyone steal it. The it? Your joy. Sanity. Kindness. Peace.
If You Pay Attention to the News Media and Social Media…
Friends, if you allow yourself to get sucked into the news media and social media, you will most certainly lose your joy, sanity, kindness, and peace. Plus, probably many other things.
They are selling something. The news media and the companies that are responsible for articles on social media are seeking to profit off of you. If they keep you stirred up and reading more, they make the profit.
What are you left with? Just misery.
What makes up your misery? Fear. Distrust. Uneasiness. Distraction. Loss of joy.
The news cycle and hype never end. We have witnessed this now for years and years – far before President Trump entered the scene. A new administration will not change that. The folks you watch on TV, online, or who write articles telling you how bad it is profit from the enterprise of sharing bad news to you. The more upset you are, the more they benefit.
You end up suffering from their spin.
- Higher blood pressure.
- Anxiety.
- Worry.
- Fear.
- Distrust.
- Anger.
- Panic.
- Disappointment.
- Discouragement.
- Disgust.
- Despair.
- Hopelessness.
Are There Real Issues About Which to Be Concerned?
Of course. We could fill a page with issues, circumstances, potentialities, and crimes. Each of the things we could focus on deserves attention. But you and I cannot allow that to become our primary focus. The more we focus on those things and ignore meditating on Christ, our families, our church, and each other, we suffer. People around us suffer.
We miss smiles. Things that could make us laugh, we overlook. People feel more distant. Helpful and uplifting onversations get co-oped by the latest news, conspiracy, or observation.
Of course where we are responsible, be responsible. Where you need to do something to make a difference in a particular area of stewardship, then actively participate. However, where you are not responsible and only concerned, walk away from it. Do not let others manipulate your emotions, steal your joy, and invade your life.
The real, local people with real-life, local problems, concerns, and needs should be our focus.
Say “Goodbye” To Those Who Would Rob You
Although main stream media needs you, you do not need them.
People in penthouse office suites should not make you miss enjoying a beautiful sunshine, a baby’s smile, or a quiet walk.
If you’ll allow me to use a 2020 illustration… it’s a lot like COVID. The virus robs you of your smell and taste many times. What should taste good, is simply bland. What should smell good, is just nothing. You know you should taste or smell something, but everything is muted.
Friends, if you allow it, MSM, alternative media, Big Tech, and your own distractions will rob and mute your own higher pleasures of life.
In sum…
Love God. Enjoy God. Walk with God.
Love people. Enjoy people. Walk with people.
Do life together.
Be concerned about our world and country, but don’t allow those around you who ultimately profit off of you to rob you of these higher priorities and pleasures in life.
KevinCarson.com | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together