For now just over four years the internet has been flooded with the hashtag #NotMyPresident. Before his first day of Inauguration, Democrats began a campaign to illegitimatize the elected President of the United States. But it was bigger than mere politics. The hashtag #NotMyPresident represents hearts that are bitter, often even full of malice. One person told me privately that it was fine to use that hashtag or say anything mean one wants to say because “Donald Trump is worst than the devil himself. He is the devil.” Most people didn’t go that far formally but functionally even a bunch of Christians detested him, complained about him constantly, and obsessed with what a bad person he was.

But what about that hashtag? Should anyone who has a problem with the new President Biden begin to use the same hashtag #NotMyPresident? If people object to the first-day seventeen executive orders and actions and all the policy that follows, should those individuals also use that hashtag? If perhaps President Biden makes a verbal gaff or does something else that might emphasize his age and fragility, should it be used then? Should people use other hashtags over the next four years whose purpose is to suggest that Joe Biden is not their President? Some have even suggested, “We should treat them just like they treated us.”

No. As I was told as a child, “Cut it out!”

Two observations…

If you are a citizen of the United States of America, you have a President. Mr. Trump was your President until January 20th. As of January 20th, you now have a new President, Mr. Biden. You had a vote when Mr. Trump was elected President. You had a vote when Mr. Biden was elected President in November. So did millions more in individual states which were duly represented through those states individual action in the Electoral College. The Congress ratified the Electoral College vote on January 6th, 2020. Fellow citizens, you do have a President. He is our President. Period. As sometimes said, if you don’t like that, then you renounce your citizenship. Then, you will not have a President Biden or any future President – it’s that simple.

God is not honored when we attack people instead of the problems in which they are entangled. You do not have to agree with either our former President Trump or President Biden. In fact, my guess is there isn’t one reader of this blog that agrees with either one of these men 100% of the time. In reality, there may be significant issues you have with the character of one man or the other. You may not like one thing or one thousand things. Your opinion may be that you do not like the person, or policies of one or the other, or both, 100% of the time.

The level of your disagreement, although significant, does not change your responsibility toward anyone. You have several responsibilities for which to be mindful. Let me suggest three.

First, you are required to respect the office of the President of the United States (Romans 13:1-7; 1 Peter 2:13-17).

The failure to honor the President, no matter who that is, is sin. You honor the President because it brings glory to God as a servant of God. Honoring a man in office does not equate to agreeing with him in everything. If you know me personally, you know that I have disagreed on many levels in the past with Mr. Obama and Mr. Trump. At times, no doubt I have not been as respectful as I should have been both publicly and privately. In those incidences, I have been sinful. There is no doubt in my mind that there are going to be many times when I disagree with Mr. Biden. In fact, for sure that is the case as I am diametrically opposed to his stance on abortion. In either case, I cannot honor God and dishonor the President at the same time. Neither can you.

Second, when you disagree with someone, it is appropriate to attack the problem not attack the person (Ephesians 4:29-30).

You attack the problem when you discuss the problem. In so doing, you keep your attention focused on whatever issue is at hand. You attack the person when you use language that is derogatory of the person rather than what focuses on the issue. For instance, if you disagree with Mr. Biden’s policy regarding abortion, you would say, “The President’s policy toward abortion is wrong based on these three reasons…” This attacks the problem. It attacks the person if one were to say, “We have never had a more stupid President than Mr. Biden and it is evident when it comes to his policy on abortion.” Here, you have attacked the person.

Although it is portrayed publicly differently than Mr. Trump, many have real problems with the character of our new President Biden as well. In all reality, this may be true almost every time we get a new president. If you believe that Mr. Biden has a character problem, even in these instances, you must limit your observation to the issue of character, not name-calling. The past four years have overwhelmingly been burdensome with all the name calling that has taken place. The best way to discuss the new President’s character is to focus on what was said or done. Deal with what was heard from him or read about him (if properly sourced). Focus on what the observed actions were in a particular incidence. For instance, “When Mr. Biden wrote, ‘….,’ this statement was wrong.” This deals with what was said or done. It would be wrong to say, “That _____ Biden…” or “Mr. Biden is insane; this is what he said…” or “He is crazy.” Any of these ad hominem attacks attack the character, motive, or something else about the person rather than deal with the issue. In all of these instances, it is sinful.

To be clear, dealing with the issue is not sinful. In fact, to not deal with some issues may be sinful. But to attack the person instead of the problem is sinful. It is that simple. We can and must do better; God must be honored formally and functionally in our words, actions, and motives. In this aspect, the past four years have been absolutely horrible. Americans sinning against each other at record pace on social media must stop.

Third, we are to be known as Christ-followers by our love (Ephesians 5:1-2; cf. John 13:34-35).

Our actions, words, and attitudes must be loving like Christ’s. It is imperative that we hold each other to the high standard of Christlikeness. We should be known for our holy compassion, mercy, grace, and love. We should never be known for our poor spirits, hateful attitudes, and disdain for people – regardless of who our President is. This has been true for four years of Mr. Trump’s presidency; it will be true for every day of Mr. Biden’s presidency.

Will you commit now to doing better?
Will you encourage others to join you?
Specifically, will you seek to honor God in your response to our current President?
Will you admit where you have been wrong and vow to change it?
Let’s together make our part of social media more to the glory of God.

#MyPresident | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together