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Harry, Meghan, Oprah, the Crown, the Queen, and You

Have you heard a little bit about Harry, Meghan, Oprah, the Crown, and the Queen?

I’m not sure if this story begins with “there was this interview” or “there was this prince.” As you have at least heard, if not watched, Oprah scored the first big interview with Prince Harry and Meghan. Advertised as a two-hour, tell-all event on CBS, Oprah asked questions over a variety of issues including their current life, former roles as part of the Royals, the family, and the future. She interviewed Meghan alone primarily, although Harry joined them toward the end.

The interview lived up to its billing. We learned about Harry, Meghan, the Queen, Archie, the future baby girl, and even heard about The Crown. They discussed family dynamics. If you love drama, this interview was for you.

What Draws So Many People’s Interest?

Possibly like some of you, I can remember when Princess Di married Prince Charles. ABC News’ Good Morning America carried the coverage live. My brother and I got up very early and watched the entire event. The pomp and majesty of the whole thing fascinated us. I remember going to bed that evening burdened spiritually for the Queen, Di, Charles, and the entire royal family. As I laid there, I wondered if anyone would reach them with the Gospel, how anyone could reach them, and when anyone would reach them. I laid in bed that evening dreaming up ways it might be possible. I prayed that someone would impact them with the Gospel and that they would all be saved.

This many years later, their story still has a pull on me. I hear about them and always think back to that day. I have prayed for them since. When Princess Di died, my heart broke for the boys and immediately wondered if she had ever been reached. As I hear stories like this week’s, I again wonder.

Many Americans over the past decades since that most famous wedding have tuned into the royals. Their popularity remains as great as ever. The Queen’s age, Prince Philip’s current health condition, and the family news still gets broadcasted regularly. This weekend was no exception.

Although I have yet had time or space in my life to watch the Netflix hit The Crown, no doubt that makes the draw even higher.

Harry, Meghan, Oprah, the Crown, the Queen, and You

This weekend’s interview with Harry, Meghan, and Oprah spilled the tea on many issues. They answered questions, told stories, and made accusations. Although it was their lives they were sharing, the interview in places shared pure gossip.

One question for anyone who watched would be, “Is this entertainment?” With the popularity of The Crown and the immense nature of regular media coverage, do most people forget that these are actually people.

Harry – a son, grandson, brother, husband, dad, a prince

Meghan – a daughter, granddaughter, sister, wife, mother, a dutchess

Charles – a son, brother, husband, dad, granddad, future king

the Queen – a wife, mom, grandmother, head of state

You get the idea. Although they are rich and famous, each one of these individuals still remain people. They are just like you, me, and all the rest of us. The drama they discussed actually is life.

After each one of the names above, we also must add, “in the image of God.”

How does that relate them to us then?

Harry, Meghan, Oprah, the Crown, the Queen, and You Click To Tweet

Image Bearers Who Struggle with Suffering and Sin

Harry, Meghan, Charles, the Queen and the rest of them each sin and are sinned against. Each of them suffer the curse of life in a sin-cursed world. These individuals are not actors on a screen; they are real people.

Is this entertainment? For the world – yes. For the follower of Christ – no.

How could we watch this without being once again burdened over their relationship with God (vertical dimension of the First Great Commandment) and their relationships with each other (horizontal dimension of the Second Great Commandment)?

Do we think in terms of the firm, the institution, and the crown? Or instead, do we think in terms of real people talking about real life drama?

We have no way to know the veracity of any of the claim; however, the claims should burden us. Just the aspect of all the broken relationships alone should weigh heavy on our souls, much less the racism and all the other particulars that were mentioned.

Are all these things possible? Of course, people are sinners.

Do we know if any of it is true? Of course not, we only heard one side of an interview.

How Do We Respond?

I did not get to watch the two-hour interview. We spent time as a family instead. However, I did see and read some highlights yesterday. And, how do I respond? Again, my soul hurts for people who suffer. Sin. Broken relationships. Suffering.

Instead of seeing this as entertainment or even the whines of privilege and wealth as many have criticized, as followers of Christ, we should also be burdened for the fact that each of these people are image bearers of God. Each of them both have an eternal destiny and a responsibility even now to glorify God in all they do.

They are simply not entertainers or entertainment. I hope we all can see past the hype and recognize the humanness of this all.


Image Credit Screen Shot from CBS | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together

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