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Special Friends and Friendship

In yesterday’s blog we discussed Job and his friends. We do not know everything about their relationship; however, we do recognize that they were motivated deeply to help their friend. As discussed yesterday too, their help did not go as smoothly as they had hoped. The reality still exists that we each need a special friend or friends and friendship. Friendship blesses those both inside and outside the body of Christ. For the one inside the body functioning the way the Bible describes, friendship is especially helpful. In fact, needed.

In the picture above, these ten guys made life quite fun while in college. Craig and I specifically prayed we would find two other friends at Baptist Bible College who were the quality of my dad’s lifelong friends and fellow classmates George Crawford and Art Ball. God answered our prayer many times over. In addition to all the friendships we found, ten of us especially became close: Jeff, Darren, Rick, Earl, Matthew, Keith, Bob, and Steve. In the twenty-seven years since, four served Christ as pastors, three as missionaries, two as leaders in parachurch organizations, and one as a faithful business man in his local church. Since then, although we are not as connected as we were then, they still provide hours of fellowship, advice, and love.

In this larger group, no doubt there are those who were closer to each other. You can see the same thing among the disciples who followed Jesus. The more friends with whom you are blessed, the more you will be drawn to specific ones for deeper and more specific friendships.

In addition, often God provides someone very special as a friend, soul mates some may refer to call them. Most often of course this is a spouse. I especially loved a grey long-sleeved t-shirt I saw that read, “I have found the one whom my soul loves.”

Friends Are a Part of God’s Grace

God does not make you live life alone. God provides friends for you. Some of those friends are life-long friendships. I mentioned several above, but in reality, my high school and church camp days also provided life-long friendships that are special. However, I do not get to share life with some of those friends. We can’t see each other every day, every week, or even annually. Although sad, it is great to know they are always there and regularly pray for you.

As a follower of Christ, the place to find friends who live life with you daily is the local church. God allows us to live life together as part of His plan. All those who are in Christ, the Bible refers to as the body of Christ. The closest of those who are in the body of Christ are found in your local church. They are the individuals that you serve beside, share life groups with, and know their cares and concerns. These are the ones – in addition to all your other friends as I have referenced above – through which you receive the kindness of God.

For Jesus, these were Peter, James, and especially John. However, Jesus had the rest of the twelve as well. Jesus loved Judas even though he did not love Jesus in return.

For Paul, these were Timothy, Barnabas, Titus, Silas, Priscilla, Aquilla, Luke, Lydia, Onesiphorus, Epapharoditus, John Mark, the Ephesian elders, and more. In Romans 16 he mentions 30 different names of individuals he appreciated.

Special Friends and Friendship

On this particular day, I want to rejoice in the value of special friends and friendship. I am rich indeed at the local church level, at the family level, at the life-long friend level, and at the school level. There are so many in ministry including past students, former faculty, various biblical counselors all over the world, pastors, and others with whom I rejoice in friendship. Social media even plays a role in connecting with friends in special ways.

On this day, I celebrate these kinds of friends. Special friends. Special friendships.

The Bible reads,

Ointment and incense make the heart rejoice,
likewise the sweetness of one’s friend from sincere counsel. (Prov 27:9)

Literally, a soul’s counsel. A friend who is there. A friend you know is praying for you daily, hoping with you, and in the pressures of life with you.

I remember a friend saying, “Seriously thanks for letting me encourage you.” Just a particular day. Nothing crazy going on that I remember. Just a friend who decided to reach out, have a conversation, provide a smile, and provide a word of encouragement. Just an amazing friend.

What about you today? Maybe it is a text, an email, a phone call, a private message on social media, a post, or a visit that you choose.

My friend said, “I’m glad I chose to not exercise so we could talk today.” Of course, I would choose talking over exercise any day; however, this person chose to spend time with a friend over a phone call than go through with exercise. Even if you do not have time to reach out, then add some extra prayers for your friends as you go through your day. Make today a day of prayer for those with whom God has granted you a friendship.

If you would believe today that you do not have many of those kinds of friendships, then reach out to someone. Begin today. It’s never too late to have friends. The first step toward meaningful friendships is to be a meaningful friend to someone else.

May God bless you as you live alongside someone else today.

Image Credit Dale Andrus | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together

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