Your words and expressions contain much power. Pastor James reminds us of their power as he discussed how we go through troubled times and pressured situations. The Apostle Paul also highlighted the power of words in his challenge to live consistent with the Gospel. The goal as we go about engaging those we have opportunity to rub shoulders with in our homes, at church, at work, online, or however we have opportunity is to use our powerful and helpful words in ways that build others up around us.

Powerful Words and Expressions

James describes for us the power of the tongue. He uses examples that highlight the tongue’s potency. Even though it is such a small member of the body, it boasts great power.

James describes it:

Indeed, we put bits in horses’ mouths that they may obey us, and we turn their whole body. Look also at ships: although they are so large and are driven by fierce winds, they are turned by a very small rudder wherever the pilot desires. Even so the tongue is a little member and boasts great things. See how great a forest a little fire kindles! (James 3:3-5)

The bit that controls the horse… the rudder that moves the ship… The spark that burns down a forest…

The tongue even has more power than these things. He makes two important points:

  • If you can control your tongue, you can control your whole body.
  • Because the tongue tells the secrets of the heart, the tongue often demonstrates inconsistency of purpose. Representing the heart, at times the tongue blesses God and at times also curses other men who are made in the image of God.

The tongue … small but mighty.

Helpful Words and Expressions

The Apostle Paul reminds us to use our tongue in ways that powerfully helps others.

Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. (Ephesians 4:29)

As we use our words and expressions, Paul instructs us to use them in ways that provide edification and impart grace.

  • A corrupt word refers to words that are harmful, unhelpful, or do not build up the other person. The word is often used for rotten fruit, rotten fish, and decay. These words do not produce anything helpful but instead are often harmful to others. We must carefully observe our own words and expressions to make sure even those things said as a joke, in jest, or in any way would not hurt any other person.
  • Instead, may our words bring necessary edification and impart grace. As people spend time around us, may they be strengthened by our words and expressions, encouraged, and built up. The grace we have received from God our words and expressions have opportunities to minister that same grace to others around us. Rather than doing any kind of harm, may our words instead infuse righteous power, grace, and strength in the hearts of those with whom we talk.

Powerful and Helpful Words

As we go about today, may we take advantage of the opportunities to use our words and expressions in powerful and helpful ways to build those up around us. In pressure-filled circumstances, it is easy to allow our words to be corrupt and rotten; however, may God be honored in the words we choose, the expressions on our faces, and our heart behind both.



Image Credit Adam Freeman | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together