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You’re Not Perfect, and That’s OK! (#OneMinuteMondays)

Talking with someone this week, I reminded them, “You’re not perfect, and that’s OK!”

Maybe you need to hear the same thing today or this week. In fact, you may be disagreeing with me, and that’s OK as well. Let me explain.

You’re Not Perfect, and That’s NOT OK – in this one instance

If you are reading this, and you have never asked God to forgive your sins through Jesus Christ, then, in fact, it is NOT OK. The Bible clearly teaches, “The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Rom 6:23). If you have never gone to God and asked for forgiveness of your sins, then it is NOT OK that you are imperfect.

The good news for you though is that Jesus did die a substitutionary death where He took God’s wrath upon Himself for you. Therefore, you can go before God, ask forgiveness of your sins, and choose to follow Jesus as your Savior and Lord.

Without believing in Jesus for the forgiveness of your sins, you will be condemned for not believing. In this one instance, being imperfect is NOT OK.

You’re Not Perfect, and That’s NOT OK

In every other incidence, it is OK to not be perfect.

Are you an imperfect parent, grandparent, son, daughter, husband, wife, church member, employee, friend, student, or whatever?

Then great news awaits you. The reason it is OK to not be perfect rests solely on God. You are OK because of God, not because of you.

Sin problem? God offers you forgiveness always for every sin no matter how many times you have committed that sin (cf., 1 John 1:9).

Weakness? God offers you grace to help you as you need it (cf., Heb 4:14-16).

Not so wise? If you struggle making wise decisions, God offers you wisdom (cf., James 1:5).

Imperfect past? God grants you a straight path forward if you will just trust Him (cf., Prov 3:5-6).


God Works with Purposeful Patience and Merciful Urgency

As the late David Powlison once said, “God works with purposeful patience and merciful urgency.” Does God care that you are imperfect? Sure. In addition, He knows the entire story of you – details even you do not know. Yet, God promises that when we will draw near to Him, He will draw near to us (cf., James 4:7). He never leaves us or forsakes us (cf., Joshua 1:9). Further, He provides us grace to endure (cf., 1 Cor 10:13). He has a plan that ultimately ends in your future perfection (cf., Rom 8:28-30).

At your worst and at your best, God loves you, cares for you, understands you, and provides for you. Jesus came to bear the sin; therefore, the sin is covered, the lack of wisdom understood, and His care extended.

Today and this week, you must strive to do your best to honor God, love God supremely and your neighbor sincerely, serve others, and live in light of this truth. Will you do it perfectly? No. Will your past decisions and circumstances potentially complicate your life? Yes. However, think of it this way. God works with purposeful patience and merciful urgency with you and in you. Imperfect as you are, embrace that this week.


Image Credit Jazmin De Guzman | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together

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