Ukraine and Your Emotional / Mental / Spiritual Health

With all the news coverage, social media coverage, and watercooler talk about Ukraine, how do you protect your emotional, mental, and spiritual heath? Let me encourage you today with a few key steps for your benefit.

Do Not Simply Talk to Others – Pray to God

We have both horizontal relationships – those relationships between us and the people around us – and a vertical relationship – our relationship with God. In moments like this, it is easy to become overwhelmed in the horizontal. We hear people tell us about war, atrocities, and human carnage. We look at pictures online, listen to reports, and grieve what we see. In the process, we forget that the primary conversation needs to be vertical not horizontal.

Bring your petitions, prayers, cries, and burdens to God. Jesus welcomes us to come to Him and talk to Him. We do this through prayer. As you listen to others, have an immediate channel open to God. Talk to Him as well. When you hear or see something bad, pray simultaneously. Try to protect your mind, heart, and emotions by immediately sharing the burden that you hear with God.

Yes, God knows. However, you are taking the weight of the news and immediately shifting its burden off of you and onto God. What you hear and consider becomes lighter as you immediately make it a matter of prayer. This is part of praying without ceasing (1 Thess 5:17).

Take a Media Break

Possibly you are overconsuming coverage of the war. Of course, we want to know. We do not want to turn our heads, ignore, or in any way pretend that the Russians are not causing incredible harm on our fellow image bearers of God, many of whom are also our brothers and sisters-in-Christ. We refuse to close our eyes and pray for the West to stand up against the aggression with the people of Ukraine.

However, you needs breaks. Turn off the cable news for a while. Walk away from breaking updates. Take a media fast for hours before you go to bed. In the morning, be sure to read your Bibles, meditate on Scriptures, write a short note to someone, or some other pleasing activities that set your heart toward love of God and neighbor before consuming the events that happened while you slept.


Walk, Run, or Something Physical with Your Body, Especially Kindness

If possible, move with your physical body. You do not need to do calisthenics, run a race, or go work out at the gym; however, you ought to do something. Your body handles stress better when you are doing something physical as well.

Take a walk. Jog. Walk around the yard. Go to an indoor mall, store, or gathering place to engage people.

Be kind. Observe how people are kind in return. Smile at others. Hold the door for another person. Bake a pie and deliver it to someone. Brownies. Cookies. A pot of soup. Just do something physical with your body and energy that serves others.

Choose to use your body physically for good. This will help you work through the stress of the situation with your body.

Attend Church

Plan now to go to church on Sunday. Get there in time to sing to God with those in the assembled congregation. Lift up your voice with other brothers and sisters-in-Christ.

While you do so, pray and thank God that you are free to assemble and worship together. This is not the case with those in hiding in Ukraine this weekend.

Listen to the sermon. Let God’s Word encourage your heart as you listen to its meaning. Seek to apply it to your mind, heart, and behavior this week. Honoring God intentionally helps alleviate stress too.

While at church, remember to pray for and think about those brothers and sisters-in-Christ who are in the Ukraine today and cannot do what you get to do.

In fact, if you have struggled getting back to church because of fear of COVID, then I would strongly encourage you to do whatever you need to do personally to get past your fear and attend your church. Recognize the blessings and benefits of attending church in a free country where you can worship God. While you are there, stand with the fellow believers of Ukraine. Worship louder and more passionately because you know there are others who cannot.


Big idea? Intentionally do something to protect your emotional, mental, and spiritual heath. Along the way, it will help those around you as well.

Related to the church advice above – if you do not go to church in the Ozark area (Springfield Metro), then join us. We would love to have you worship alongside us. If you live outside our area and can’t get out, then join us online. | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together