
As I have done in the past, I once again write about respect for those who serve us as law enforcement. My friend posted this statistic this week from the National Fraternal Order of Police. In the first two months of 2022, 67 officers have been shot and 9 have died in just 59 days. Friends, that means that in the first 2 months of this year, the average is over 1 officer shot per day.

I write this on March 4th. If no other officers have been shot since then, it is still an average of over 1 officer shot per day.

May this never be!


Three Reasons Law Enforcement Officers Deserve Our Upmost Respect 

1.       Because they serve us boldly.

When, like this week, a fugitive runs from justice, law enforcement officers dedicate themselves to doing whatever it takes to apprehend the suspect. The fugitive threatens the lives of those in the community and, by extension, threatens the lives of the law enforcement officers as well.

This week’s story is just one of many.

When someone calls 911, a law enforcement officer willingly comes to provide whatever help the person needs. A person outside the home. A domestic fight. Car crash. Just whatever.

2.       Because they sacrifice in many ways.

No one enters into police work for the money. The prestige is not there either. Instead, they enter law enforcement to serve us. And serve they do. Nights. Weekends. Holidays. Days. In danger. Doing loads of paperwork.  Day after day, they get up, get their assignment, and go about doing their jobs throughout the day. And it continues on and on.  

3.       Because it honors God to respect them.

Consider what Romans says: Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except by God’s appointment, and the authorities that exist have been instituted by God. … Pay everyone what is owed: taxes to whom taxes are due, revenue to whom revenue is due, respect to whom respect is due, honor to whom honor is due. (Romans 13:1-7) God is honored when we respect law enforcement officers.

The Problem within Our Culture 

Some in our culture disrespect law enforcement. Not many in terms of a percentage. However, for some, disrespecting law enforcement officers has become a part of life.

Who are they? I do not know. Individuals, who for one reason or another, disrespect, dislike, or distrust law enforcement. As before, I do not know their stories, their experiences, or their background; however, I am saddened by the broken trust and broken relationships the disrespect demonstrates.

Sixty-seven officers in fifty-nine days. Unacceptable. Totally unacceptable. We condemn any kind of violence against them.

What can we do? 

First, show respect. Live as a committee of one to demonstrate to law enforcement officers how much you respect and appreciate what they do every single day. We truly are grateful as a community and as individuals. We owe them so much.

Second, encourage others to do the same. When you demonstrate respect, it encourages others to demonstrate respect as well. So, do that. Use whatever means you can to help those around you respect those who serve us so sacrificially.

Third, encourage law enforcement officers. In private conversations, public settings, and social media, let law enforcement personnel know how much you appreciate them. A simple thank you. Smile. Handshake. Note. Donuts by the station. Just something.

May God bless our law enforcement! 

Join me in praying for God’s richest blessings on those who serve us and their families. In addition, pray for all those who have been shot this year. In an instance, their lives have changed. Plus, may God grant great comfort for those law enforcement officers’ families who have lost their loved ones.

Thank you, law enforcement, for everything you do. You are appreciated and prayed for.


Image Credit | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together