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Rest for Your Mind and Soul (#OneMinuteMondays)

How busy has your mind been lately? Do you find yourself struggling to keep your thoughts together, remain focused on the task at hand, or enjoy life? As you begin a new week, are you a bit overwhelmed, already overworked, and weary? If any of these things are true for you, then allow me to share with you some rest for your mind and soul. This is good medicine for the weary.


God’s Strength through Trust

The prophet Isaiah wrote to Judah in a tough season. They were under captivity to another nation. As they were, Isaiah prophesied to them. He encouraged them in truth. As those under a great burden of captivity and the strains of life, Isaiah shares this nugget of truth for them to contemplate:

You will keep him in perfect peace,
Whose mind is stayed on You,
Because he trusts in You.
Trust in the Lord forever,
For in Yah, the Lord, is everlasting strength. (Isaiah 26:3-4)

He emphasizes two things here for our benefit on this Monday morning.

First, he reminds us to trust in God.

To fix our mind on God. In other words, when we stop in the midst of our chaos and trust God, God will provide perfect peace. You will enjoy genuine peace in your soul. Instead of churning, your mind can rest. Rather than the constant turmoil of an upset mind, you will enjoy complete peace even in the midst of your own chaos.

Second, our inner peace comes from a strong God.

Notice where your peace comes from when your mind is fixed on God and His Word. Your peace comes from a very strong God. In fact, to describe God’s everlasting strength, Isaiah uses the term “Rock of Ages,” or a rocky cliff. In this place, on this Rock of Ages, you can find a shelter against the chaos. Why? Because Yahweh God is firm and everlasting like a rock. When you focus your mind on Him, He provides you strength and protection. As He does, you receive rest. You can trust God and trust where God has you.

Rest for Your Mind and Soul

Today, on this Monday, fix your mind on God. Trust Him. Climb the Rock of Ages to find rest for your mind and soul in Him.


Image Credit Joel Muniz | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together

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