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Help Change Their Batteries… Encouragement for You #OnThisSunday

A dear friend recently shared this post with me. It hit home in my heart as I read it. On this Sunday, let me provide some encouragement to you as well as we discuss, “Help Change Their Batteries.”

Sunday after Sunday, many times in church services, people walk in and out of our buildings and in our view. As they do, many of them carry burdens – some physical, some spiritual, and some emotional. As they do, each of us want to open our eyes to those around us. We desire to see those other people, to intentionally see them. And, to be honest, not simply to see them but have compassion toward them (Eph 4:32). We want to see those around us not simply physically but much more than that. As Paul wrote to the Corinthians, “Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer” (2 Cor 5:16).

With this in mind, I was particularly both challenged and encouraged as I read the following anonymous post.

When a Flashlight Grows Dim… Help Change Their Batteries

When a flashlight grows dim or quits working, you don’t throw it away, you change the batteries.
When a person messes up and finds themselves in a dark place, do you cast them aside?
Of course not, you help them change their batteries!

Some need AA… attention and affection;
Some need AAA… attention, affection, and acceptance;
Some need C… compassion;
Some need D… direction.

And if they still don’t seem to shine…simply sit with them quietly and share your light.

Choosing to Serve Others Today

My hope is that you are both encouraged and challenged by this simple analogy.

As you see the people around you today, ask yourself, “What can I do to serve him or her?” Seek to look past what is physical to see what may be burdens. Possibly, you do not know they have any burden at all. Where that is true, and oftentimes it is, seek to connect with people as you see them.

Let me make a few suggestions:

  • Smile
  • Look at people in the eye when you say, “Hi”
  • Do not shift your eyes to the next person quickly or look around as they talk
  • Ask questions that seek information rather than assume no response
  • Intentionally walk out of your way to engage someone
  • Seek to communicate your love and Christ’s love

What kind of battery change does the person around you possibly need?

As you go out today, make sure you are looking, observing, and seeking to help charge the batteries around you.


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Image Credit John Cameron | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together

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