What a great blessing to walk alongside you on this blog. Since February 2014, it has been a joy write, share, and walk with you. At that time, our community was rocked by a young child who was murdered. As our community hurt so deeply, Chris, a fellow church member, suggested I write something to help. He said he would handle the technology of getting a blog started for me if I would write the material. In the midst of that deep grief, I began striving to share wisdom for life in Christ together. Since then, thousands of people each month read, share, and respond in this space as well.
Over the past eight years, my family has been the sole sponsor of the blog. The costs for a blog build over time as internet security, delivery systems, storage space, and many other costs grow. The cost of providing a website changes and grows over time like everything else. A friend who also blogs suggested sharing this ministry with you through Patreon.
Patreon provides an opportunity for you to help support this ministry as sponsors. In addition, your support will provide further ministry and podcast options moving forward. There are multiple levels of support below. I have tried to provide benefits for each one according to Patreon’s suggestions; these basically demonstrate my gratitude for your help. At the end of the day, regardless of support level, this provides you an opportunity to help further this work of love for people just like you as we strive to share wisdom for life in Christ together.
If you can support this ministry, thank you. If you cannot, then please just keep reading and praying. Patreon provides a way for some to support if you desire to do that; there are certainly no expectations. Whoever shares the load with us, we are grateful. Our goal is to simply make it more affordable to continue this ministry. We realize that some will want to help who have been blessed by this writing ministry. For all others, we are just happy to have you read, share, respond, and provide feedback as you can.
Patron Levels
Membership Partner / Day Sponsor
Sustainer Partner
Contributing Partner
Vision Partner
Legacy Partner
One-Time Gift
Thank You for Your Help and Prayer
If you can help bear the burden of this ministry, thank you.
If you cannot, believe me, I understand! Each of us, no doubt, support our local churches, missions, and ministries of various kinds. You may not have the space in your giving budget or the passion to add this ministry to it. Again, I understand.
Please, all of you pray that God provides me wisdom along the path as I write, opportunities for this blog to get into places where just the right person who needs to read it gets to see it, and additional spiritual fruit. I am so blessed by the feedback I receive regularly how something written has been just the right word at the right time to help another person change, be encouraged, or persevere for the glory of God.
Become a Patron Supporter…
Become a partner with this ministry to help offset the cost of the blog. This blog is a work of love; any gift of support continues to make this work possible. Thank you for considering a partnership. Learn more here.