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In Trials, Foundational Truths to Remember by Bev Moore

by Bev Moore

Editor’s Note: My dear friend, Bev Moore, recently wrote a blog for Faith Biblical Counseling Ministry regarding Learning from Jesus. In her blog, she reviewed some foundational truths to remember. Below you will find those foundational truths. You can follow this link for her full blog. 

In Trials, Foundational Truths to Remember

In difficult times we would do well to remember the foundational truths upon which our faith is built.  As time goes on, we tend to either forget or overlook them, or think they are too elementary. Here are three foundational truths that will help you as you remember.

  1. When going through trials and when thoughts and doubts about God’s care for us start creeping in, we need to remember the cross. Our greatest need has been met at the cross when God gave His Son to redeem and rescue us.  God promises to meet all our needs (not all our wants) (2 Peter 1:3, Romans 8:32) and we have to believe by faith that He will.  We need to believe that Gods’ grace will indeed be sufficient.


  1. God’s love never changes—it doesn’t increase or decrease. And God’s love cannot be measured by how well or how difficult our circumstances are.  God promises that He will complete the work He started in each one of us (Philippians 1:6), and that work will include trials and temptations (1 Peter 4:12-13).  If Jesus was tried and tempted, we will be too.  And because He was tried and tempted while on earth, He understands what we go through and is now our sympathetic and merciful High Priest (Hebrews 4:15).  He knows our pains and sorrows, and that gives us great comfort to know that Jesus is not asking us to go through anything that He hasn’t gone through on our behalf.  And He also knows what those pains and sorrows will produce in our lives—perseverance, character, and hope (Romans 5:3-5).  God loves us and will protect us as He chips away whatever in our lives/character doesn’t look like Jesus.  And beware—chipping hurts!


  1. The enemy of our souls would love for us turn to things rather than to God and believe that the created will satisfy the deepest longings of our hearts. Jesus demonstrated a life-changing truth for us:  this world will never satisfy.  Never.  The lesser gods that this world offers make big promises, but they will always fail us. Only our Creator’s promises will always be fulfilled, and He alone can and will satisfy our deepest longings.  We have to set our hearts and minds on the things above and not the things of this world (Colossians 3:1-4).  This world is full of glitz and glitter, but it’s all a cheap imitation compared to glories that await us in the world to come (John 14:1-4; Revelation 21:1-6).

Let’s take our cues from Jesus as we learn to work through our own personal pains and sorrows the way He did—putting our confidence and hope in God’s Word, trusting Him that His grace is sufficient to meet our needs, believing by faith in His unchanging and everlasting love, and finding our satisfaction and fulfillment in God alone. As we learn these lessons and take them to heart, we will be better equipped to help others do the same.


About the Author: 

ACBC certified; counselor at Faith Biblical Counseling Ministry (Lafayette, IN); Co-Author of “In the Aftermath, Past the Pain of Childhood Sexual Abuse”; married with two sons; BA, Theology; Master’s in Biblical Counseling.

Bev and her husband George, along with their two sons and families, are dear friends of mine.

Full and Original Post: Learning from Jesus from Faith Biblical Counseling Ministry Blog June 15, 2022



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Image Credit Ryan Cheng | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together

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