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50 Years Too Late – But Not a Day Too Soon

As I went to bed last night after hearing the news that Roe (1973) and Casey (1992) had both been overturned, I laid there praying while so satisfied. Because of trigger laws, as of yesterday, several states immediately outlawed abortion. Other states will deal with the legality of abortion over the coming days and weeks. After nearly fifty years in the abortion business, the federal government is finally out of the abortion business.


50 Years Too Late – But Not a Day Too Soon

In the heat of the abortion debate in the early 1970s, the SCOTUS chose to enter into the fray by legalizing abortion nationwide. Although abortion is not mentioned in the Constitution or inferred in any way, the justices declared abortion as a “Constitutional right”; now, fifty years later, the justices have encouraged the states to work it out individually and have chosen to take the federal government out of this fight.

Possibly, abortion will be legalized again; however, at this point, we do not know. With each election cycle, the nation will become more or less likely to legalize it again. Yet, until that day ever happens, if it ever does, we will rejoice in those states who outlaw abortion.


What about the Agency of the Woman?

Several have suggested that outlawing abortion affects the agency of the woman. Further, proponents of abortion claim it denies critical healthcare for the pregnant mom. Both of these objections are worthy to consider.

Related to the agency of the woman, outside of rape or incest, the woman chooses to have sex. As she does, she makes the decision to enjoy the pleasures of sex. With that choice, she also makes another choice. If she chooses not to use any kind of contraception, she also chooses to be responsible for the baby that results. If she conceives, as a mother of a developing baby, she must choose to protect her health, the health of the baby, and make decisions that provide for the best future for the baby.

All of this with her own agency.


What about Cases of Rape or Incest?

In any situation where a woman does not choose sex but, rather, is forced to have intercourse with a man, we hurt for these dear women. This is reprehensible. The sinned-against woman bears the burden of that sin against her physically, emotionally, and often spiritually. All of those around her should seek to help bear her burden.

A sin against a mother does not justify a sin against the baby on any level. Just because the mother gets pregnant through a sinful act does not open the door to double-down on sin. Rape or incest does not justify murder.

Should we help? Yes. As a church, an individual Christian, and as a society, we should help as creatively and passionately as possible.

This baby is a gift from God to the pregnant mother. We celebrate life even in the midst of sin. Rape and incest both are reprehensible. Anything even close to either of those sins we condemn as well. Women should both feel and be safe. In no instance should a man sin against a woman sexually – whether married or not.

The baby did not choose for his or her mother to be sinned against; the mother should not choose to sin against the baby.

Therefore, as a society, we must hold the father responsible. Where unlawful intercourse occurs, prosecute the father to the full extent of the law. Even in instances where it is volunteer intercourse and a single woman gets pregnant, the man is morally and should be judicially responsible to support the child. Government healthcare and services should be the last resort, not the first resort. However, if the government (by the people) declares abortion illegal, then the government (by the people) should be ready to support woman (married or single) who need help with healthcare.


What about adoption and foster care?

State legislatures must immediately buoy the foster care system. Overturning Roe will place a greater burden on the foster care system. Some of the women who now carry the pregnancy full term have minimal skills and capacity to help their children. While they either get the skill, needed education, or help with drug and alcohol abuse, the foster care system must be helped.

The foster care system fails in some or many instances. It is cumbersome. Case workers struggle with care under the burden of overwhelming caseloads. Foster families find some of the regulations very burdensome. We must put our time and resources into helping this needed system become better.

Further, the adoption process must also get much simpler and less expensive. Either through government grants or eliminating some of the regulations, the cost of the adoption process prices most people out of adoption. Whereas individuals buy insurance for birth, there is no insurance for adoption. Therefore, couples who are willing to love a baby, give the baby a stable home, and help the baby grow up to be a contributor to society often because of age and status in life cannot afford to adopt. This can change and should change.

The foster care system and adoption process must be an immediate focus of state legislatures nationwide as abortions become illegal. If the government (by the people) outlaws abortion, then there must be care available for the baby and mother. This does not have to be universal, but out of love and concern for the mother and baby needs to be readily available for those who need it.

As such, women will need education, healthcare options, and mentoring.


What about the Church?

At this point, I have only discussed society’s responsibility. Killing babies is a moral and societal issue. By extension, Christians should engage as much as possible in the process too. We should seek to be creative in the ways that we seek to serve pregnant women who need care – regardless of marital status. Where one would normally consider abortion as a means of reproduction choice, the church will want to move into that space to offer loving care.

As we do, we need to move forward with the Gospel. We do not simply desire to be kind, tenderhearted, and full of mercy; we want to be Gospel-focused. Jesus Christ exclusively offers the help these women and their children need for life now and in eternity.


No, It Is Not Simply Politics or a Power-Move

Some suggest the pro-life passion simply flows out of a desire for power and is primarily driven by politics. I cannot speak for some; however, the majority of people who are pro-life are motivated by life. Individuals, as created in the image of God, must be protected, loved, and served in any capacity possible. Anything less is on us.

Unbelievers will not understand this. They are motivated by politics and power; therefore, they assume that Christians are motivated in similar ways. Yet, we love because we are loved. We serve because we have been served. We desire to protect life because God is the giver of life.

Have we always done it well? No.

Are there those who may in fact be motivated by something different than love of God and love of neighbor? Yes.

However, to suggest that is what motivates an entire movement is false. A God-honoring, Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered worldview motivates the follower of Christ to love as Christ and protect life.


For Love of Christ and Neighbor

Again, as I lay in bed and contemplate what happened yesterday in the Dobbs case by the SCOTUS which overturned Roe and Casey, I simply rejoice and thank God.

For fifty years other followers of Christ have diligently worked to bring about this day in the providence of God. As such, we rejoice in God’s goodness. Is everything perfect? No, far from it. Yet, for today, we will rejoice in the goodness of the Lord.

Just think, this time next year we will be celebrating birthdays with little ones who may have been aborted. It doesn’t get better than that!


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