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Hey Southwest Missouri, Do Not Let Washington Steal Your Vote

The Missouri Primary is this Tuesday, August 2nd. Although my blog has never endorsed a candidate, I speak out about political issues that seem important to our community. Let me be very clear today, we cannot let Washington D.C. come into our community and pick our leaders for us. Let me explain.

This Tuesday, our community will more than likely choose its newest US Representative from the 7th congressional district. Those of us who live in Barry, Christian, Greene, Jasper, Lawrence, McDonald, Newton, Polk, Stone, Taney, and parts of Webster Counties and vote in the Republican primary will determine who runs in the midterm election in November. Our district almost guarantees the Republican win in November – as this district has voted Republican since January 1961. We get to choose between Jay Wasson, Paul Walker, Audrey Richards, Mike Moon, Camille Lombardi-Olive, Eric Burlison, Alex Bryant, and Sam Alexander.

Unprecedented Money Pouring In from Washington PACs

Several Washington D.C. PACs heavily influenced by key Republicans vying for power have pumped millions of dollars into our local race. Not one million or two, but millions. In just one weekend, one PAC bought close to a half a million dollars of TV ads in Joplin alone.

Why? To influence your vote as they seek to determine the winner in this district.

This makes me sick. Of all the candidates above, although some are supported well locally, none of them can keep up with Washington D.C.’s money.

As the money by the millions flows into this race, each dollar lessens our voice. Each dollar makes it harder for us to distinguish between the eight candidates. Each dollar inserted in this race is another dollar specifically sent to our district to manipulate you, me, and our neighbors.

It is legal; however, we do not have to stand for it.

We want to make a choice that is determined by the citizens based upon what each of these candidates stand for and have done previously. Knowing multiple candidates personally, we have multiple candidates who are worthy of this job. Yes, I have a personal favorite that I favor heavily; however, as in past precedent, I am not using this website to endorse a particular candidate.

This is not about one candidate; this is about Washington D.C. playing politics in our community.

What Can You Do About It?

There is a simple solution. Let me suggest three things you need to do, and one other suggestion..

First, learn about the candidates above from something different than TV. The PACs have purchased millions in television advertising. Do not listen to it. They slant and deceive. Instead, Call these candidates. Call people who know these people. Figure out what you can about the individuals running. Go to their websites to check them out. We have a pastor running, a former mayor/state rep/state senator, former state reps and state senators, a local doctor, and more. Figure out who these people are and what they have done without turning to the national advertising for your answers. Pay special attention to those people, organizations, and others in the community who support whom. The PACs are trying to influence you so they get their particular candidate. Remember, they do not support individual candidates without an agenda attached. Every dollar buys influence of the candidate.

Second, tell your neighbors in our community about what you learn. Text your neighbors. Call them. Talk across the fence, in the driveway, or on the sidewalk. Remind your neighbors how important it is to vote and what you learn about the candidates. You can’t assume that Washington is not manipulating your neighbor. Washington D.C. money counts on an uninformed and marginally interested electorate.

Third, go vote on Tuesday or by absentee ballot before Tuesday. I am out of town on Tuesday and have already cast my ballot. With eight candidates in the race, every vote will matter. With millions of dollars of Washington money in our area, every vote based upon our community values and community conversation pushes back against the manipulation from outside forces into our community.

Fourth, you can always contact one of these candidates and give a donation to help them offset the onslaught of DC money.


Friends, the Point Is Not Who You Vote For – But Why!

Again, I do not care who you vote for. I am not trying to convince you to vote for my candidate, although I am very strongly in favor of my favorite. I simply want our voices heard, our opinions to truly matter, and our election protected.

Washington D.C. PAC money has no place in our local election. If they send their money, they do two things: 1) Seek to manipulate you, and 2) Seek to buy politicians.

Friends and neighbors, we do not want either of those things. Their money and influence peddling are not welcome here.

Outside of the Washington influence, may the best community representative win. We want someone in Washington D.C. who represents us, cares about us, and is deaf to Washington influence. | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together

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