Conversations that Matter
In the past week, I have been reminded more than once about both the joy and importance of conversation. In a particular conversation, these two things may be separated – joy and importance. At other times, these two crescendo, creating a beautiful moment that you wish could remain vibrant in your memory forever. Regardless of any one conversation, our lives are often shaped by conversations that matter. In the moment, we may have no idea; yet, over a lifetime, you realize how important these moments in history truly are.
Three Reminders from This Past Week
I began with the statement about begin reminded of the joy and importance of conversations. Let me explain how I was reminded.
First, I had a lady stop me while I was passing through a particular area. She said she was happy to me and wanted to thank me. When I asked for what, she mentioned the fact that I had taken time out of my day to sit and talk with her friend. Although the conversation with her friend seemed so casual, there were moments the conversation slowed to pass by some significant trials. We prayed together, and I was off to the next item on my day’s calendar. I would have not thought any more about this conversation, outside of the joy of the memory, until this lady brought it up. She told me that I had no idea how much the conversation mattered to her friend. It had been a conversation that mattered – even though I was unaware of it.
Second, in God’s providence, my schedule was changed on one particular day this past week. Although I had anticipated one thing happening, abruptly, my schedule changed. There was one other person with me when this happened. On the day of the schedule change, I had plenty to do. As I contemplated the adjustment to the day’s events, I decided to take just a moment to ask this other individual experiencing the same thing as I a question. With unexpected time, I thought it would be a waste of the providential opportunity if I did not take just a second to enter into a conversation with this friend. In God’s providence, the one question turned into a lengthy conversation that was good for me and I believe for my friend – a conversation that mattered.
Third, I invited someone over the the house for a few minutes. The occasion was light, and the agenda nonexistent. Yet, this person mentioned what a significant moment this was. The attention shown, love demonstrated, and personal care combined to touch this other person deeply, according to what was said. What seemed very light and agenda-free to me, God knew this other person needed. It morphed into a conversation that mattered.
These are just three conversations that mattered. While I have been reflecting and writing, multiple other conversations have crossed my mind as well from the past seven days. Conversations that matter. A lunch. Sitting next to a brother waiting for a service to begin. A late night meal. Taking a few moments to sit with a team of volunteers. A hallway conversation. Grabbing a few minutes on the phone. Sitting on a bedside. Plus, there are more.
Here’s the Point (actually three)
As you are around people today and this week, take a few moments to talk with them. Your conversation may be very quick and light; however, you do not know what the other person needs in the moment. Your quick word may be just the thing a sovereign God uses to help encourage the other person. If and when that happens, praise the Lord! God uses simple people and simple conversations to do His work in the lives of people.
First, take a few minutes to notice the people around you. Even if only briefly, enjoy them and let them enjoy you. You do not know how just a quick word and smile may impact people for a long time.
Second, share yourself with others. Conversations cost. You will use at least physical energy, emotional energy, and time. Depending on the length and what is shared, it may cost you even more. However, it is worth it.
Third, your positive decision to take a moment and reach out to another person even minimally will help you. If you are down, feel lonely, have been discouraged, possibly have blown up some relationships with your bitterness, have been tending judgmental toward others, or something else of this sort, taking your time to get past yourself will help you. God will use the momentary decision of reaching out to another person to help your own soul in the process.
To all those people…
To all those people who took a moment to have a conversation that mattered this past week or at anytime in the past, Thank you. Just as I was reminded this week through my own personal effort, I also think of so many who take a moment to invest in me as well. Let me just tell you, these moments do not go unnoticed. God provides them to us and for us. Where and when you have been part of those conversations with me or others, Thank you.
Now, let’s go out there and give a word of encouragement to someone today.
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Image Credit Kelly Sikkema
KevinCarson.com | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together