Today Is an Important Day! A Thanksgiving Story
Recently a dear friend shared this story. I will relay as much of it as I can and will provide some critical implications at the end.
My very best friend’s growing up husband was dying of cancer in a hospice care facility. I went up to see him and her there. Olsen was vaguely aware that I was there; he was very heavily sedated. A few years before that, I offered to take my best friend and him through my Salvation Worksheets and meet with them once a week for about six weeks.
They surprisingly agreed and so we met. Neither one were Christians, but they did complete their worksheets. It was a great joy for me knowing that they had looked up all those Scriptures to answer the questions. I still do not know about their relationship with the Lord, but there is hope.
After I met with June and Olsen in that hospice room, their family was in the waiting room and wanted to talk to me. They wanted to know if Olsen was really a Christian. He was dying, and they wanted to know if he was going to go to heaven. I had to say, “I am not sure, but there is that possibility.” And I explained why. Many of them there that day are not Christians either, but they were hanging on every word I was saying.
Taking time to go to the hospice care center and then meeting with Olsen’s family that day was a very small thing for me to do, but for some of them, it meant the world and gave them, at least, a little hope. Olsen died the next day. It was Thanksgiving.
Implications of This Thanksgiving Story
As I read this story from my dear friend, I immediately knew that I wanted to share this with you, readers of this blog. In a few words, let me tell you why.
Similar to my friend who talked to Olsen’s family that day, I also have been in these situations. I have gone to see people who were dying. Family members have asked me if their loved one would go to heaven. I, too, was left trying to give family members hope of the possibility even though I did not know.
Here is the lesson: live today so that no one ever has to wonder if you went to heaven when you died.
The best way to live this way involves three steps.
- Make sure that you are prepared for eternity. Ask yourself, “Have I ever gone to God humbly to seek forgiveness for my sins through the sacrifice of Jesus for me?” Jesus gave up His life on the cross for you, a sinner, so that you do not have to live throughout eternity in hell as a punishment for your sins. Jesus died that day so that you can live throughout eternity with Him and so many others in heaven (John 3:15-18). God offers you forgiveness of your sins as a result. When you turn to God in prayer, ask Him for forgiveness of your sin, believe that Jesus’ sacrifice will cover your sin, and choose to follow after God, you are saved. Then and only then are you prepared for eternity. Outside of this, you are not prepared.
- Begin to live every day in reverence to God. This is called living in the fear of the Lord which means out of respect for God. Choose your daily decisions in light of Who God is and what God desires for you. Jesus showed us how to do this. Many times I told those around Him that He was doing the work of His Father, God (John 4 is one of many examples). Just before He died, when He prayed to God, Jesus mentioned doing everything that God wanted Him to do throughout His life. In a similar way, wherever you are and whatever you have been doing, begin to live in respect to God and what He wants for you. As you read the Bible, you will learn what that looks like. Plus, find a spiritual friend who can walk with you through this.
- Share your story with your family and friends. As you live for God, share what has and is changing your life. Let your family know what you have done and what you believe related to your God, Jesus, your sin, heaven, hell, and your future. Do not put your family and best friends in a place where when you are dying, they all wonder whether or not you are saved. In other words, live today so that no one ever has to wonder what happened to you when you die.
What impacted me when I read this story…
When I got to the last line of the story and it read, “It was Thanksgiving.”
If a person has a relationship with God, then Thanksgiving is the very best day of the year. We humbly reflect on the love of Jesus Who came, died, and then took upon Himself our sin guilt on the cross. We also think of the future. Jesus has prepared for our future to be with Him, God, and all the saints of every age with them. We get to do that. Why? Not because we deserved it; in fact, we deserved the opposite. We get to go to heaven because God. When Olsen died on Thanksgiving, it may have been the beginning to the best days of his existence – eternity with God. But, none of his family or friends know what really happened that day. They hope, but they do not know.
Today, I will strive to live in light of this reminder. Will you join me? Today, let us live so that no one ever has to wonder where we go when we die.
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Image Credit Jem Sahagun
KevinCarson.com | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together