2022 Verse of the Year
YouVersion has announced its most shared verse of the year for 2022. Ready for it?
Isaiah 41:10
Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you,
Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’
Fear Not … Do Not Be Dismayed
There is a good reason this is the number one shared verse for the past year. The verse discusses being fearful and dismayed. How many of us faced moments this past year where we were fearful and dismayed?
In 2022, it would be hard to not be fearful at times for full of dismay. In fact, there are many reasons for this. The world still suffers under the effects of a pandemic/endemic. The US economy fluctuated on the brink of recession (how much so simply depends upon the ‘expert’ you read). Run-away inflation. Suffering of various kinds. Sin. A broken political system. And, this can go on and on.
Is it possible to full of fear and dismayed? Absolutely.
But, friends, here is the great news!
Notice Why You Should Not Fear or Be Dismayed
God is with us!
God is our God!
He strengthens us, helps us, and upholds us with His righteous hand.
Oh friend, as bad as I mentioned in the previous paragraph it is around us in 2022, the great news is that theses promises are better.
Read it again… God is with you. Slower now. God. Is. With. You.
In 2022 going into 2023 on January 1st, you are not alone. God is with you. In the midst of suffering, sin, recession, inflation, corrupt politics, lingering pestilences, God is with you.
What else? He is your God. He claims you; you get to claim Him. You love Him because He first loved you. You can claim Him as your God because He chose to become your God. He made Himself available. He came as Jesus Christ to provide everything you need through Him from righteousness to forgiveness to grace.
But, Isaiah was not finished dropping truth on us. He explained what else God does for us.
God strengthens us. And, aren’t you glad for that. We could not do it on our own. However, we do not have to do it on our own. Why? Because God strengthens us.
Plus, God helps us. He provides for us in Christ everything that we need for life and godliness. He also gave us His Word through which we learn, grow, and can ultimately change. In it, we learn better how to love the One who first loved us.
Further, God upholds us. He upholds us with His righteous hand. God is trustworthy as a righteous God. And, again, aren’t you thankful?!?!
A Worthy Verse
Verse of the year for 2022 – absolutely and we understand why.
God is with us, claims us, strengthens us, helps us, and upholds us!
Friends, isn’t this great news?
Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you,
Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’
Sounds like sound advice. No need for fear or to be dismayed.
What is your Verse of the Year?
Image Credit awar kurdish
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