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Is Celebrating Christmas a Sin? Or, Is it a Sin to NOT Celebrate Christmas?

Is Celebrating Christmas a Sin? Or, Is it a Sin to NOT Celebrate Christmas?

Often Christians discuss the issue of whether or not it is a sin to celebrate Christmas. Some families celebrate all month long with an advent calendar culminating in a final celebration of the birth of Jesus – their focus is primarily about the birth of Jesus. Others enjoy holiday movies, parties with friends, family dinners, and opening presents, while reminding each other that the greater celebration is the birth of Jesus (i.e., Jesus is the reason for the season). Another group of Christians enjoy celebrating the season in all the same ways, except they would say it is simply a family holiday and choose to celebrate Jesus’ birth in other ways and at other times. Finally, some Christians simply choose not to celebrate Christmas at all. With all these various responses to Christmas, two questions come to mind as we think through this issue: is celebrating Christmas a sin? and, Is not celebrating Christmas a sin?

Is it a sin to celebrate Christmas?

For some, in an effort to love Christ well and follow God’s direction in their lives, some choose not to celebrate Christmas as a matter of conscience. Typically these brothers and sisters-in-Christ have either read a specific passage or have been taught by others that the Bible teaches not to celebrate pagan holidays or cut down trees.

Why would one believe celebrating Christmas is wrong?

Potentially, a Christian through reading the Bible comes upon a verse that seems to make celebrating Christmas wrong.

To be clear up front, I see no biblical warrant whatsoever for not celebrating Christmas (or Easter).

Again, although I appreciate my brothers and sisters who seek to follow God’s commands carefully and shy away from any celebration which would break a command of God, I believe it is unwarranted based upon the Scriptures. For those that choose not to practice it for conscience sake, that is fine of course. Each person must make up his or her own mind and live accordingly. That which is done not in faith is sin (Rom 14:23).

However, we must all realize that Christians differ over issues of conscience regularly. When that is the case, we seek to serve each other in wisdom. We most certainly do not hurl criticism, project sarcasm, or imply any type of Christian immaturity or weakness toward another Christian on either side of this belief of conscience.

Why would a Christian believe it is a sin?

Most Christians with this question though of whether or not they should celebrate Christmas have been taught by a well-meaning Christian that it is wrong. Here is a sample of such teachings:

A Man-Made Holy Day

It is absolutely unscriptural for the church to observe such things, in any way other than to offer the Biblical truth regarding the birth of Christ, or what the Bible teaches about evil spirits and life after death. … Just as it was apostasy for the northern kingdom of Israel to establish its own “holy days” (1 Kings 12:32-33), it would be apostasy for the church to observe man-made holy days under Christ.

A Pagan Holiday

In fact, the Bible prohibits this practice. The Bible expressly forbids celebrating holidays that are or were held by pagans. In other words, the Bible says we can not “christianize” the pagan holidays. It is addressed in Deuteronomy 12:29-31.

The Roots Are in a Pagan Holiday

Many millions keep these days without knowing why—or where they originated. Most suppose that they are “found in the Bible” because they see millions of professing Christians observing them. Surely hundreds of millions of people cannot be wrong.

Or can they? Here is what Christ said about the popular customs and traditions of this world: “In vain do they worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men…full well you reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your own tradition” (Mark 7:7, 9).

Pagan Customs Condemned

In fact, the pagan customs associated with Christmas are clearly condemned in the scriptures. Here is one of them: Jeremiah 10:1-4.

Why these teachings are wrong regarding celebrating Christmas:

Let me work through the four arguments presented above briefly.

A Man-Made Holy Day – 1 Kings 12:32-33

The context of this passage does not lend itself to any kind of application regarding celebrating Christmas. King Jeroboam instituted his own holy days where they were worshiping golden calves – those which brought them out of Egypt. This is abject heresy and, of course, is condemned. This is not what is taking place with Christmas; this passage does not apply to this discussion.

A Pagan Holiday – Deuteronomy 12:9-31

The passage in Deuteronomy refers to the Israelites as they take over the Promised Land. As they conquer people, God forbade them to look at the pagan practices and seek to apply those customs in serving Him. Their religious customs under the law were already established, practiced, and were normative for daily living. They were not to add to this through adopting pagan practices.

In this incident, this text also does not apply for a couple of reasons. First, this relates to Israel and the law, not the New Testament Christian. Second, Christmas is a day set apart to celebrate the birth of Christ, to commemorate what took place as Jesus came to earth as God’s gift to man. Christmas does not take a pagan holiday and seek to add it to the way we worship Christ. There is a difference between identifying a day that we celebrate the birth of Christ versus saying Christmas is a particular way you must worship Christ.

The Roots Is in a Pagan Holiday – Mark 7:7, 9

This passage is also taken out of context. Celebrating Christmas does not reject any commandment of God in order to keep a tradition. To use this verse in this way is an opinion looking for a verse to substantiate it. The Pharisees in this text manipulated the law of God for their own benefit. They followed their traditions instead of the Bible. They were accusing the disciples of lawlessness because the disciples did not wash their hands before they ate. To apply this passage to any real discussion of Christmas is lacking merit.

Further, some do question whether or not Christmas is steeped in pagan holidays and traditions. In other words, many point back to Christmas initially being a celebration on or around December 25th related to worshiping the sun god. These are interesting stories and may reflect that there was a celebration of the winter solstice. However, the evidence of such worship is inconclusive at best; this alone is not a reason to not celebrate Christmas. There is no direct connection between the practices. I commend to you this excellent article by Geoff Ashley regarding the history of pagan practice and Christmas.

Pagan Customs Condemned – Jeremiah 10:1-4

I have read one author that took each part of Jeremiah 10 to reflect on Christmas. The problem again hermeneutically is that it simply does not apply at all. The context reflects Israel’s apostasy and judgement from God. These verses critique idolatry and affirm the Lord is Ruler over all (Jer 10:1-16). These verses clearly do not apply to Christmas. But they seem too to some

Although this passage at face value may apply to some, with further study, it is solely related to making gold or silver-plated idols from wood they cut in the forest. This does not relate to Christmas trees in any way.

An Additional Passage – Colossians 2:8

Paul writes in Colossians 2:8, “Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.” This passage warns us to be careful with whatever we take from the world versus from the Scriptures.

Paul’s concern revolves around the Christian’s worldview. The warning for all of us should be taken as real. We do not want to adopt any practice or celebration that minimizes our worship of Christ because of worldly traditions or philosophy. Therefore, as we celebrate Christmas as Christians generally, we must protect our own minds and hearts here. We celebrate the birth of Christ first and foremost. All other Christmas traditions should pale in comparison to our worship of Christ. Christmas – for the Christian – is about Christ.

Therefore, based on Bible verses in context and with the conviction of not calling something a sin that the Bible does not call a sin, I would say celebrating Christmas as the day we celebrate Jesus’ birth fits inside our Christian freedom, and, in fact, honors the Lord.

Is it a sin to NOT celebrate Christmas?

If we have determined based upon the Bible that it is not a sin to celebrate Christmas, then is it a sin to NOT celebrate Christmas? In other words, if the Bible does not prohibit celebrating Christmas, does it demand it? Should every Christian celebrate Christmas?

My answer: It is not a sin to choose to NOT celebrate Christmas. For those with a conscience issue regarding celebrating Christmas, then of course, do not celebrate it as it would be a sin for you. For those who would just prefer not to celebrate it for any number of personal reasons, then enjoy your December choosing not to participate.

On this issue of celebrating the birth of Jesus annually, the Bible is silent. Although the birth of Christ is in the Bible, Christmas is not in the Bible. Therefore, it is not a command to celebrate Christmas, just as it is not a command to not celebrate Christmas. In both ways, the Bible remains silent which give each Christian the freedom to choose whatever they wish in terms of handling Christmas in a wise way personally.

Wisdom Options for Handling Christmas

Let me suggest three very legitimate and appropriate ways you can respond to what I have presented here.

There are also three attitudes to consider as well:

Regardless of Your Position ~ Enjoy and Celebrate Christ

Wherever you land in this discussion, enjoy and celebrate Christ. Share the good news of the virgin birth, sacrificial death, substitutionary atonement, and glorious resurrection. Take advantage of this time of the year where people seem more willing to discuss Christ by sharing the Gospel as you can.


Portions of this article first appeared here.

Image Credit Jonathan Borba | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together

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