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Grateful for Little Things and Some Big Ones Too: A Christmas Reflection

Grateful for Little Things and Some Big Ones Too

As I sit here on a beautiful but bitterly cold morning, I am grateful for some little things (and some big ones too!). My list started while laying in bed awake. No alarm or any pressing reason to wake up, but awake. As I lay there, I heard the heat kick on for just a moment or two. I was warm in fact. Most of the time I do not really even think about it; however, today, heat means a lot. Just yesterday with snow blowing, a low temperature of -8° and wind chills at -21° and below, our heat ran all day long while the temperature in the house continually dropped. What started as a warm day inside changed quickly. Our heat was out. Even though the unit was running, we had no heat. I texted a friend from under my covers in bed and asked for help. Within two hours, he sent an employee, fixed a wire in the thermostat that had gone bad, and we had heat again. I am so grateful for little things like heat and some big ones too like a friend I could text to help us.

All my children are sleeping under one roof tonight. In a transition between children who live at home and young adults who live other places, I am happy that I wake up to all my children here. I sat and listened to them laugh, enjoy each other, tell each other about the joy of a gift purchased to give, play games, and generally love each other. The internet went down in the cold temperatures and weather, so we did not have any TV service. Without any distractions, it was fun to see them just simply enjoy each other. While growing up, days seem long, but in reality, they are so short. I’m grateful for any chance to spend together.

While working in the church office yesterday, I sat there grateful. Even with the bitter cold, the church building was good. Two years ago in negative zero weather, we lost power and the water froze up. When it thawed, the main water line into the building cracked, and water flowed everywhere. Thankfully, in God’s providence, I was there and heard it happen. However, it was still a mess and took some major effort to clean. Yet, yesterday, all was well. We have church members who care, prepare, and plan so that it will not happen again. As I walked through the building and saw water dripping out of key faucets, a special door sweep to keep the north wind from blowing into the sprinkler room, and other provisions, I was so grateful. Little things, I know, but some big ones as well.

While sitting there at church, I heard some commotion from outside. We had a crew show up to clean off the parking lot and shovel snow in the bitter cold. In a church plant, there was a day when we would have had to do all that kind of work with volunteers. However, I’m grateful for those in our church who give and make it possible to hire this out. With proper equipment and help, what would have taken me and other volunteers a long time to do, with consequences for my back that lasted days, it only took them about one hour. Clean, salted, and gone. As I worked on church business inside, I am so grateful for the capacity to pay someone to do work that in the past I would have had to do. Little things – and some big ones too.

This list could go on and on. Little things.

These point to some big ones too. I am so grateful for God’s providential protection, constant care, and never-ending love. God forgives, desires restoration and reconciliation when we struggle, and never leaves us or forsakes us. God provided us the Bible to be our guide, source of wisdom, lens for our worldview, and narrative of God’s story. The Bible also tells us about us – who we are, what our purpose is, how we think and desire, and so much more. We learn of Jesus’ love, sacrifice, and provision not just for daily living but eternity. Plus, the body of Christ and our local church. What would we do without these loving, deep and significant relationships in our lives? And, this list goes on.

Space does not permit me to keep going on and on. However, take a few moments to consider your own list. Let me encourage you to take a moment and fight against a lack of contentment, grumpiness toward unpleasant people or circumstances, creeping bitterness if you have been sinned against, and a selfish focus.

Is life perfect on this Christmas Eve? No. In fact, the lack of perfection everywhere is what provided the opportunity for Jesus to come in the first place. Do people sin? Oh yes. Suffer? Yes. Life is not easy for any of us. Certainly some have it much worse than me. But, I can still be grateful today for what I do have, and in some instances, what I do not have.

On this Christmas Eve, I am thankful for Jesus. He is the foundation for it all.


PS And, I am glad the internet is back up so that I can send this blog out, work on other projects, and check on a last-minute gift I need to purchase!


Image Credit Tracker Marine plant, Ozark, MO | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together

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