“These are the folks you want walking with you” by Melissa Baker
Editor’s Note: My friend Melissa Baker writes another excellent post and it deeply encouraged me. You will be encouraged as well as you read it.
Yesterday, in the middle of clouds and bleak, a small patch of sunshine called my name.
These are the folks you want walking with you — the ones who have fallen enough times to know just what to do to help others up. - Melissa Baker Share on X

“And walk in love, as Christ loved us.” Ephesians 5:2a
About the Author:
Melissa is a follower of Jesus Christ, a widow, mom, and grandmother. She loves Jesus Christ and the church. As a ladies’ speaker, experienced biblical counselor, and former pastor’s wife, she blesses people with her blog melissadawnbaker.com. Her blog serves as an encouragement for believers to keep their eyes on the Lord, that is, to be faithful because we know He is faithful, plus provides counseling resources.
Melissa’s original post first appeared on her blog here.
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Image Credit melissadawnbaker.com
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