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The Pathway to Better Sleep and an Even Better Week #OneMinuteMondays

The Pathway to Better Sleep and an Even Better Week

Possibly last week was tough on you. Were you tired? Did sleep fail you? Where you distracted? Let me encourage you by providing for you the pathway to better sleep and an even better week. Notice these key verses from Proverbs:

My son, let them not depart from your eyes—
Keep sound wisdom and discretion;
So they will be life to your soul
And grace to your neck.
Then you will walk safely in your way,
And your foot will not stumble.
When you lie down, you will not be afraid;
Yes, you will lie down and your sleep will be sweet.
Do not be afraid of sudden terror,
Nor of trouble from the wicked when it comes;
For the Lord will be your confidence,
And will keep your foot from being caught. (Prov 3:21-26)

Three simple ideas to get your week started

First, we must give constant and diligent attention to what we have learned from God’s Word.

The word keep means to guard wisdom and discretion – to not neglect or overlook a single detail. You keep your eyes on whatever it is that you guard. You’ve heard someone ask before, “Does someone have eyes on…?” Why? Because you are protecting, guarding, or keeping. The same is true of wisdom and discretion. We cannot afford for one moment to not keep it before our eyes.

Second, if you keep the Word, you will enjoy better sleep and security.

Here, the benefits of keeping God’s Word become clear. Notice how the exhaustive nature of the benefits are highlighted. The proverb uses two opposites to emphasize the magnitude of the benefits. You will walk (daytime living, everyday life after waking up) and you will lie down (nighttime living, everyday life once you lay down). In other words, you will enjoy the benefits all day long.

Look at how great these benefits are: you will make good decisions, remain safe from great calamity, stay clear of judgement, and get much better rest at night. Your sleep will be sweet.

Third, God is working for you because God is on your side.

Don’t miss this, my friend. How is your week ultimately better? It is better because when you guard wisdom and discretion, you enjoy God at your side. In the translation it says, “will be your confidence.” This phrase is understood, “God is your confidence because God is at your side.”[1]

Have you ever walked into a tough situation with your bigger brother, husband, pastor, or someone you really trust at your side? In that moment, you rejoice in knowing the other person is with you. You have the confidence of that person’s presence. So too with God. You do not have to worry because God has your six, watches out for you, keeps you safe, and protects.

Therefore, value wisdom this week.

Read the Word. Study it. Meditate on it. Memorize it. Understand that God’s Word provides you wisdom and discretion. This all begins with respect and trust of God, known as fear of the Lord. As you do this, you will be on the pathway to better sleep and an even better week.


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[1] Bruce K. Waltke, The Book of Proverbs, Chapters 1–15, The New International Commentary on the Old Testament (Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2004), 263–265

Image Credit  bruce mars | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together

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