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In Him is YES! #OneMinuteMondays

In Him is YES!

Sometimes there is a truth that is too good not to both think about and rejoice in! Today’s passage is full of that kind of truth. You can’t miss this. Let me encourage you to read this text and think very carefully about it. You will be blessed by it!

For all the promises of God in Him [Christ] are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us (2 Cor 1:20).

Take a moment and ask yourself these questions…

Here are my answers…

How many promises of God in Christ are yes?

All of them! Think about that… every single one!

To whom are these promises given?

The promises made in Christ are given to those who are in Christ. If you are saved, then you are a recipient of these promises. Again, think about that… they are given to you as an in Christ person!

What are the promises in Christ?

There are too many promises to mention in one minute on a #oneminutemondays! But, a few…

We are redeemed in Christ.

We are forgiven in Christ.

We are justified in Christ.

We are adopted in Christ.

We are not condemned in Christ.

We are given everything we need for life and godliness in Christ.

Again, think about that… all these promises in Christ are yours – they are a reality for you!

What are the implications for you, then?

The implications are incredible as well. You get the privilege of walking and living in Christ. This kind of living means that you have the power over sin. You walk in freedom. Plus, you live without any condemnation.

Again, think about that… you have the privilege to live today and this week as an in-Christ person!

Who gets the glory when God fulfills all those promises to you?

God gets the glory through us. Not to keep beating the same drum, but did you get this? Again, think about that… God gets the glory through us as a gift to us in Christ


Now, think about this. What a joy to consider as we begin a new day and week.

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Image Credit | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together

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