A Christmas Wish

On this Christmas morning while everyone is still asleep, I have the opportunity to think and pray. My dad and mom taught us growing up to take time on a special day like today to begin by thinking of Jesus Christ and others. As I have, here is a Christmas wish.
For those who have suffered loss
Many today face this holiday having suffered loss. For some, this is the first Christmas. I’ve thought of specific people in my mind and have prayed, maybe for some of you reading this. I’ve asked God to grant you a special sense of His comforting presence today.
For the one who has lost a little one, that God would grant you comfort that your little one(s) is (are) in His presence. He sent His Son as a little one here to dwell with us. Now, they are forever united. You have that future day to look forward to as well.
For the wife who has lost a husband and the children who have lost a dad, I’ve prayed for you today. For the wife, I pray you see the best of your husband in your children. For the children, I pray you find joy in sharing time with your mom. For the widow I know without children, I pray you embrace God’s comfort in your husband’s relief from pain and your future day in glory.
For the husband who has lost a wife, I pray that you will experience a special measure of grace today as you try to fill an impossible gap. If you face struggles with gifts, food, or logistics, I pray these struggles bring a smile to your face in remembering the talents and tenderness of your wife. For your children, I pray they will receive the tenderness of your wife through you.
Some spouses are dealing today with significant sickness. I pray for you. God knows and cares. He is with you today as you serve, wonder, and contemplate what’s next. May you experience the comfort of our God as well, and be reminded of His trustworthiness.
For the parents who have lost older children, my heart hurts with you. I pray that God grants you joy in your memories, comfort in His presence, and an even greater longing for eternity.
A few parents I know today grieve over the loss of a child or grandchild because of broken relationships. This hurt goes so deep. I pray that God would grant you a special piece of His grace today. And, that today may be the day for the next step of repentance.
On a very deep level, I pray for all those parents and grandparents who have children struggling spiritually today. This is a loss and sadness that is much different than death or divorce. You carry the burden much deeper as you pray and hope for repentance, while seeking to trust God. I pray for you today, and ask God to grant you your request.
For some today, loss is divorce. Some, separation. Others, distance. And others, sickness has robbed plans. For all of you, I pray you experience God’s grace in a special way. Where you need to be patient, gentle, humble, and practice forbearance, I pray you remember God gives you strength to honor Him while responding godly to others.
For those who are simply struggling
Today, some of you struggle on a variety of levels. My heart breaks the most for those who have spiritual turmoil.
If you are struggling with God, please use this day to simply be grateful that God sent Jesus to ransom you from your sin and sinfulness. Jesus said, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45).
Jesus came and provided the ransom for your soul. If you have never asked for God’s forgiveness of your sin based upon this ransom, then my prayer for you is salvation.
Fellow Christian, if you are struggling in your relationship with God, I pray for you as well. Jesus ransomed your sins as well. Whatever is going on in your heart today, I pray that you take the next step back toward forgiveness and restoration.
For those who have left churches and hurt people along the way, I pray for you today that God would grant you the courage to make things right, the wisdom to know how, and a greater desire for unity in the body of Christ.
I realize some of you are sad because of unmet expectations, disappointments, and other sinners who have made life a bit difficult for you. I pray for you as well. May God help you as you consider Jesus Christ today to get a better perspective.
Wherever you are in your struggle
Wherever you are today and whatever your sadness, I’ve prayed for you. May Jesus who rescues us from our own sin eternally, rescue us today in our own sorrow. May the humility and love of Jesus help lift our hearts and inner man in worship. And, may those around us experience the same.
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