Two Vital Steps to Persevere in Trials

Many times suffering invades our lives, even crisis at times. If the Bible refers to life as a race, it is in these times where it seems more like a cross country race up a mountain. Around every turn, it seems as if the end just gets farther and farther away. The trail can seem narrow, the gravel loose, and the breeze swift. A fall surely would be devastating, even a stumble seems treacherous. In this kind of terrain, we must watch every step, pace ourselves as we go, and remember the goal. In this article, we explore two vital steps that are necessary to persevere in trials.
The two steps are contained in this very special Bible passage from the Apostle Paul. Notice what he writes:
But we are bound to give thanks to God always for you, brethren beloved by the Lord, because God from the beginning chose you for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and belief in the truth, to which He called you by our gospel, for the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, brethren, stand fast and hold the traditions which you were taught, whether by word or our epistle.
Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and our God and Father, who has loved us and given us everlasting consolation and good hope by grace, comfort your hearts and establish you in every good word and work. (2 Thessalonians 2:13-17)
A reminder of what God has done and is doing…
Before we explain the two steps, allow me to remind you of what God has done for you, if you are a follower of Jesus Christ. God provided you salvation with a guarantee. When you believed the truth of the Gospel, it confirmed God’s salvation and sanctification by the Holy Spirit. In this salvation, He promised you would receive the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. In other words, God will help you persevere through your suffering, such that in the future God guarantees you will experience the glory of the Lord. You will make it. You are the beloved of God.
Two vital steps…
Since we have been saved and are in the process of being sanctified on our way toward future glory or glorification, we have two particular responsibilities in our suffering in this life. For the sake of helping us remember what this text teaches, I have labeled these as two different steps.
The first step: Stand Fast
The second step: Hold the traditions which you were taught
The first step: Stand Fast
As Paul does in other key texts, here he instructs us to stand fast or stand firm. When in the midst of suffering – whether it is long-term suffering as in a chronic illness or a sudden crisis, Paul explains that as followers of Jesus Christ, we are to stand firm in the teaching of God’s Word. In a world with false teachers, false belief systems, and false hope, the Apostle reminds us to stand firm in what we know. This first step highlights the importance of the second step.
The second step: Hold the Traditions
Paul continues by emphasizing the necessity of holding the traditions which you have either received through personal study of God’s Word or through accurate teaching of God’s Word. The traditions here refer to what you have been taught. This emphasizes the necessity of putting yourself under good teaching and preaching in your local church, as well as studying the Scriptures for yourself. In a good church, these two things go hand-in-hand. You learn the Bible through expository teaching and preaching, which means the Bible text is taught to you in its context verse by verse. As you are taught, you go home and study the same passages on your own to learn more about them. Your personal study will produce good questions to discuss with whomever is teaching you.
As you learn, you apply what you are learning to your personal life. You hold the traditions, as Paul instructs us to do, in the application of what you have learned through quality exegetical teaching and studying in the midst of your suffering. Rather than being drawn away into false teaching, false belief, or false hope, you learn the meaning of the Word of God and apply its significance to your personal situation.
What you have heard, studied, and learned, you hold fast. This means that you must do something to intentionally remember what the Bible teaches. As you remember what is taught, you will have the stability necessary to stand firm in it. In other words, when you take these two steps (stand firm and hold the traditions), then you will be able to persevere in life’s most difficult and the not-so-difficult circumstances.
Notice what Paul prays…
Paul prays according to the instruction he gives.
Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and our God and Father, who has loved us and given us everlasting consolation and good hope by grace, comfort your hearts and establish you in every good word and work. (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17)
He initially highlights God’s care and concern for us. He praises God for His love, His everlasting consolation in Christ, and the hope we receive through God’s plan for our salvation, sanctification, and glorification. Just as he began this text, Paul comes back to the beautiful love and plan of God. God loves us, saves us through the Spirit and truth, and guarantees our future glorification.
Paul then continues by asking God to comfort us in our hearts and to establish us in every good word and work. Paul emphasizes the inner man and outer man in his request. God comforts our hearts, which produces the strength to persevere, endure, and remain faithful in the pressure-filled circumstances. Further, he asks God to help us in our obedience related to our outer man, the fruit of our heart desires, and the outworking of our sanctification. Paul covered the totality of our outer man response as he prays for God to establish both our words and our works.
Back to the Vital Two Steps to Persevere in Trials…
Paul instructs us to stand fast which infers obedience to God’s Word and desires, as well as, to hold the traditions which we have learned through our study and hearing teaching. These two commands help us as we seek to be faithful to persevere in trials. Further, Paul highlights God’s eternal encouragement to us in Christ, plus His inner man comfort and outer man help.
What should we do then?
- Remember. There are key principles from our Bible study that we must intentionally remember in trials.
- Obey. Look for practical steps to obey.
How do you persevere in trials? Receive God’s eternal encouragement and hope while you depend upon His comport for your inner man and strength to say and do what you need to do.
Your part? Stand fast and hold tight. We hold tight as we remember important principles that help us from God’s Word. We stand fast as we obey in practical steps of obedience.
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