The Gospel Is Important for Those Around You Today and This Week

Sometimes, we simply need a reminder of why something is significant in life. These reminders are helpful to us as we go about our daily routine, if for no other reason just to get it front-and-center of our thinking for a few moments. As I finished this past week teaching through the book of Acts of the Apostles, I was reminded of seven reasons why the gospel is significant. On this Monday, in the minute we have to share together, I want to share why the gospel is important for those around you today and this week.
Why is the gospel important? What is its significance?
This is just a list with a hyperlink beside each bulleted item. You can hover over it for a popup of the verse or you can click on it.
- It is a message of repentance and belief (Acts 2:38). In Peter’s first sermon, he explains its necessity.
- It is a message to believe that Jesus is the Son of God (Acts 8:37). Here, Philip points the Ethiopian to saving faith.
- It is a message to every person in the world (Acts 10:34-43). Peter explains to Cornelius how the gospel is for every person.
- It is a message of hope to the distressed (Acts 16:28-32). The Philippian jailer was ready to take his life, but Paul demonstrates how the gospel gave him hope.
- It is a message of urgency (Acts 17:30-34). Paul explains to a crowd in Athens how God calls all to repentance now, or they will face judgment.
- It is a message of sanctification and growth (Acts 20:27-32). To the Ephesian elders, Paul emphasizes the necessity of the gospel for spiritual growth.
- It is a message of the faithful to the world (Acts 28:28-31). Paul explains how God is preparing hearts all over the world for the faithful to share the gospel with.
The gospel is important for you and everyone you will be around this today and this week. Now, let’s live it and share it as we go.
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