Passion Week Events ~ a Harmony of the Gospels

This week many of us are reading through the Gospels as we consider the Passion Week events in celebration of this weekend’s Resurrection Sunday. For those reading along with me, we are using the book of Mark as our primary source this week. In the chart below Passion Week Events ~ a Harmony of the Gospels, you will see the day of the week in the first column, the events as listed in Mark in the center column, and the parallel accounts in the other Gospels in the third column. I hope you will find this helpful in your week of celebration.

Passion Week Events ~ a Harmony of the Gospels

This harmonization is from Mark Strauss. [1]









Entrance into Jerusalem, return to Bethany (11:1–11)


Matt 21:1–11; Luke 19:28–44; John 12:12–19




Cursing the fig tree (11:12–14)

Cleansing the temple, return to Bethany (11:15–19)


Matt 21:10–17; Luke 19:45–48


Tuesday (and Wednesday?)2


Discovery of the withered fig tree (11:20–25)

Controversies with religious leaders (11:27–33)

Olivet Discourse (13:1–37)


Matt 21:23–24:51; Luke 20:1–21:36




Anointing at Bethany, betrayal by Judas (14:1–11)

Passover and Last Supper (14:12–31)

Gethsemane (14:32–42)

Arrest and Jewish trial (14:43–72)


Matt 26:1–75; Luke 22:1–65; John 13:1–18:27




Roman trial (15:1–15)

Crucifixion (15:16–32)

Burial (15:42–47)


Matt 27:1–66; Luke 23:1–56; John 18:28–19:42




In the grave


Matt 27:62–66




Resurrection (16:1–8)


Matt 28:1–20; Luke 24:1–49; John 20:1–29


[1] Mark L. Strauss, Mark, ed. Clinton E. Arnold, Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2014), 475–476.

2 It is unknown which, if any, of these events occurred on Wednesday.

3 Since the Jewish day begins in the evening, the Last Supper, arrest, and Jewish trial of Jesus would have occurred, by Jewish reckoning, on Friday (Thursday evening).


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