Once Saved, Does “Normal” Change?

Most people resist change. We enjoy life like it is, not necessarily what it could be if we sought to change it. However, many would be happy to change or accept change if it did not take any effort. A question I was asked recently while talking with someone about following Christ, “Would I have to change?” Interesting question. You could also ask it this way, Once saved, does “normal” change?
Normal before Salvation
The Bible describes normal before salvation with some very clear descriptions. The Bible refers to you spiritually as “dead in trespasses and sins” (Eph 2:1-3). It further describes you as directly influenced by three powerful influences:
- The world
- The devil
- The desires of the flesh
Normal for those who do not follow Christ and have not received spiritual new birth, which we refer to here as ‘saved,’ means that you are inextricably influenced by the world system around you, the devil as the ruling power in the world, and your own desire coming from your own heart.
Normal after Salvation
After you are saved (meaning regenerated, experienced the new birth, are a follower of Jesus Christ), then these things no longer have a direct influence on you. At this point, you transition from spiritually dead to spiritually alive (Eph 2:4-7). God changes your heart (inner man), providing you the possibility and motivation for real and lasting change. The world, the devil, and your own desires of your flesh no longer have inextricable influence over you, but instead, only influence you as you give them opportunity. This change is brought about by new life in Christ with all its benefits, including the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.
Normal changes.
Normal changes as a result of salvation. Notice how the Bible continues to describe your life.
For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them (Eph 2:8-10).
Spiritually, you now are a work of God. He has started change in you and continues to change you. Now normal means that you are designed for good works in Christ. You will want to live for the glory and pleasure of God versus your own. You have been created in Christ to do those things which best reflect loving God and loving your neighbor. Normal no longer looks like being a slave to the world, the devil, and your flesh, now normal means you live for Jesus. As the Apostle Paul explained, we no longer live for ourselves, but instead for Jesus, who died for us and provides us life in Him.
What about you this week? Will you take a moment to think about what you consider as normal?
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