Solar Eclipse ~ Earthquakes ~ Israel War ~ Is Jesus Christ Returning Soon?

Have you seen the news or heard what is happening? On Monday, April 8, a total solar eclipse will take place across the United States and Mexico. Today, a 4.8 magnitude earthquake hit New York. Three days ago a 7.4 magnitude earthquake hit Taiwan. In addition to that, President Biden signals wavering response to Israel in their war with Hamas in Gaza. The enemies surround Israel and seem to be getting strong. A solar eclipse. Earthquakes. Israel’s war. Is Jesus Christ returning soon?
Is Jesus Christ Returning Soon?
The answer: Possibly, but we cannot say for sure. Let me explain why.
- Jesus said no one knows the day or time of His return except for the Father (Matthew 12:36; Mark 13:32). In fact, Jesus warned not to follow any person who says they know when Jesus is returning (Luke 21:8).
- Without question, Jesus will return (Acts 1:10-11). Be sure that there is no question regarding if He will come or not. God promised Jesus’ return, and God keeps His promises (2 Peter 3:9). We are just not sure if it will be in 2024.
- Jesus said to be watchful and ready (Luke 21:28-33). We need to pay attention to the world around us. When we do, we realize that nothing left stands in the way of the return of Christ.
- The Apostle Paul describes it as daybreak (Rom 13:11-12). Referring to the return of Jesus as dawn, he warns that the night is far spent and daybreak is imminent.
Jesus may return today! His return is imminent. These four passages clearly teach this is the case.
Solar Eclipse ~ Earthquakes ~ Israel War
Some across the internet are predicting a very soon return of Jesus because of the solar eclipse, earthquakes making news, and President Biden’s diminishing support of Israel. Various verses have been referenced as people make these assertions. Are these signs helpful if you are watching for the return of Jesus Christ?
What do we do with these “signs of the times”?
Let’s refer back to the verses and explanation above. Jesus may come today! Not only do we not deny this, we want to live in light of this truth.
If you go through the Bible and cherry pick verses to try to establish some kind of plan or timing of the return of Jesus, you will inevitably do a disservice to the biblical text. In the most famous quotations of the signs of the times, almost all biblical scholars refer to these as either in the Tribulation or happening back in the first century. None of the passages establish a timeline for solar eclipses.
The best explanation I have for any “sign of the time” is this: at best these signs should help us remember the return of Christ is imminent. Just as Jesus came after thousands of Jesus in the first incarnation at just the perfect time (Galatians 4:4-5), He will come again at just the right time – a time only the Father in heaven knows.
Here’s what is important for you right now!
One thing we should all be aware of and thinking about is this: Be ready to talk about these issues with others around you at work, at school, in your neighborhood, and throughout your community.
People around you are paying attention to the news. As they mention the solar eclipse and/or the earthquakes and wars, use these as a doorway into a conversation about the Gospel.
You could say something as simple as this, “You know, I’ve been thinking about the eclipse. It makes me think of heaven, the return of Jesus, and being prepared for eternity.”
Pray that God will use you and this cultural moment to be a Gospel witness to others.
Jesus may return soon!
Friends, Jesus very well may return soon. Nothing stands in His way. As we preachers like to say, His return is imminent. Therefore, we must commit ourselves this day and every day to live with the significance of His return passionately on our hearts, intentionally on our minds, and practically in our words and actions. Jesus is coming again – that means something for each one of us during an eclipse, earthquakes, and in Israel’s war. Since we are aware of the time and the imminency of His return, we should pray for God to give us the opportunity to share the Gospel and the courage to do so. And, like Paul, we can pray together:
Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving; meanwhile praying also for us, that God would open to us a door for the word, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in chains, that I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak.
Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time. Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one. (Colossians 4:2-6)
Big weekend along with the events of this week. Lots of people asking questions. Do these signs refer to the return of Jesus Christ? What are their significance to you, if any? Share on XBecome a Patron Supporter…
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