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Do You Love Your Community? – 10 Years Later


Do You Love Your Community? – 10 Years Later

Ten years ago today, our family was honored to appear on the cover of the Christian County Headliner 2014 Community Guide. Why was it such an honor? Because the editorial team of the paper asked us to represent our community since they believed that we did – beginning with loving our community. And, we do love our community and consider it a privilege to live here. It is easy to love living in the Ozarks with friendly neighbors, strong community values, creative local businesses, gorgeous scenery, quality schools, and for us, a great local church. Package all this together and we are very fortunate.

The Priority of Loving Your Community

If you are a Christ-follower, very few things in life are more important than loving your community. You may not have it as good as my family does in the Ozarks; nonetheless, it is essential to love your community. Jesus summarized the Ten Commandments in two: love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and second, love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:36-42). In fact, Jesus later said, “They will know that you are a Christian by your love” (John 13:35). So, if you are a Christ-follower, loving your community is key.

The Practice of Loving Your Community

If you agree that Jesus placed a high priority on loving your community, then your next question may be, “How do you love your community well?” Let me get you started with five suggestions:

The Price of Loving Your Community

Serving your community always costs you something. Don’t be confused – it is always worth it though – but it will cost you. Anything good always comes at some price.

The Pay Off of Loving Your Community

There are some incredible benefits from loving your community. For starters, I’ll name four.

The Prediction of Loving Your Community

What about you? Are you ready to love your community better? Will you join me? My prediction is this: regardless of whether or not your community has all the advantages as mine, if you make an effort to love your community, your love for your community will grow as well. How about you? What are some things you love about your community? How do you practice loving your community?

Ozark Town Square

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