Don't Listen to the Critics! 'REAGAN' Movie Is Worth Watching

Don’t Listen to the Critics! ‘REAGAN’ Movie Is Worth Watching

When I was asked if I wanted to go to the ‘Reagan’ movie, I was not sure. Why? Because I had read a few harsh reviews (headlines only) and thought there must be some traction to them. However, since it was my wife asking and my son wanting to go, I decided it was worth the risk of not enjoying it. Boy, am I glad I didn’t listen to the critics but went anyway! As one who lived through the Reagan years, I felt like I was immersed back in time. As I have watched various movies made about real events over the years, I have wondered what it must have been like in the particular time period. In this instance, I remembered most of these events and key principles in the narrative. As one who lived it and, now, has watched the movie about it, let me encourage you: Don’t listen to the critics. The ‘Reagan’ movie is worth watching.

The disparity between the movie critics and the actual audience couldn’t be greater.

Movie critics must not want you to watch this movie. They have bashed it.

  • Rotten Tomatoes: “cloying and glossy rendering of history flattens the 40th U.S. President into caricature.”
  • The Boston Globe, “the worst kind of hagiography” and “a wretched 2½ -hour bore that’s uncurious about its subject.”
  • Roger Ebert: 1 out of 4 stars “It comes so close to parody that it brings to mind the Saturday Night Live ‘Mastermind’ skit.”
  • Daily Beast: “the worst movie of the year” and “You may have suspected that this MAGA-tinged hagiography would be absolute trash, but it turns out you didn’t think low enough.”

And, more could be added to this list. You would expect a movie that is horrible after reading these and many more critiques. (Here are a few articles where you can read more about what others think of the movie: [1] [2] [3] [4]

Let’s press down into the Rotten Tomatoes article to notice the real disparity. Here is where you can see the difference between the critics and the average viewer. This is where my voice and advice gets really amplified.

Rotten Tomatoes Reagan film

Notice how based upon 54 reviewers, the score is a mere 20%.

However, based upon over 2,500 verified ratings from viewers, the score is a 98%. A verified viewer is someone who purchased a ticket and watched the movie.

The film has won the Popcornmeter’s Certified Hot rating. A movie gets a Certified Hot rating when audiences like it to a much greater extent than what critics did. If a movie is liked by both at over 90%, it is called Verified Hot.

The Movie

‘Reagan’ is based on Paul Kengor’s 2006 book The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism. The movie chronicles Reagan’s life story from childhood, through Hollywood, and into state and national politics. It is told from the perspective of a retired KGB officer’s perspective. It begins moments before his assassination attempt, goes backwards to get the backstory of his life, and then moves forward until his death. Here is the official trailer.

Not Perfect but Worth Watching for Sure!

Although the movie is not perfect, it is worth watching for sure. I would rank it as a top favorite of these types of movies. In my mind, it is as significant to watch for my children, for instance, as ‘Hidden Figures’ was for me detailing life in the 1960s.

Ronald Reagan was no doubt an imperfect man and imperfect president. However, everyone who lived during his presidency owe it to themselves to watch this movie. Plus, it is a great movie to watch and discuss with those who have come after Reagan.

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Image Credit | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together