Quitters Day

The Helpful and Funny Reminder of Quitter’s Day

Several weeks ago I set my calendar to both consider and write about Quitter’s Day. I had never heard of it before some commercials online during some sporting events I watched. As soon as I heard about it, my mind started to race about how funny it is and, at the same time, the significance of it. In this short blog, I want to consider the helpful and funny reminder of Quitter’s Day.

Every January a majority of people around the world set goals for the new year, sometimes we individually refer to these as resolutions. You may not have set any this year; however, we all know of these because at some point each one of us have set them. But, as you may know or more than likely know from personal experience, the initial enthusiasm of new year goals fades quickly. Thus, Quitter’s Day. Statistically, I am told and know somewhat by personal experience, by the second Friday of January, a significant number of people have already given up on their resolutions. Usually by the second Friday of January, the slowness of the holidays has worn off, the busyness of life and school gets cranked back up, the goals begin to feel hard, or the goals begin to feel slowly attained. All of this together usually means the temptation to quit the goals.

The Actual Origin of Quitter’s Day

The concept of Quitter’s Day was popularized by Strava, a social platform (app) for athletes who primarily run, bike or hike. In 2019, the organization, Strava, analyzed data from millions of its users and noticed a sharp drop in goal-related activities by mid-January. Based on this trend, the company identified the second Friday of January as the day most people quit their New Year’s resolutions.

The Realities of Quitter’s Day

While the name “Quitter’s Day” is lighthearted, the phenomenon it describes highlights a deeper reality: it’s human nature to lose focus and motivation when faced with challenges. Whether it is a fitness goal, a career change, or a personal commitment, many find it easier to quit than to persevere. As those who follow Jesus Christ, Quitter’s Day provides an opportunity to reflect on our own struggles with stick-to-it-ness or perseverance.

Why do we give up so easily? We tend to be self-centered rather than God-centered or Spirit-centered. In other words, we tend to rely on our own strength rather than trusting in the power and provision of God. The Bible reminds us that our journey with Christ – and life itself – is not about quick wins or instant gratification. Instead, it is about steadfastness and dependence on God’s grace. The Apostle Paul encourages us, “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart” (Gal 6:9).

The Apostle Paul encourages us, “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart” (Gal 6:9). Share on X

Using Quitter’s Day as a Motivational Reminder

While the world might see Quitter’s Day as a humorous observation of failure, as followers of Jesus Christ, in the power of the Spirit we can allow it to be a motivational reminder for us. Let this day remind us of God’s call to faithfulness and steadfastness, even in the face of discouragement. Instead of giving up, we can take time to reassess our priorities, seek the Lord in prayer, and trust in His strength to sustain us.

Here is the reality: the story of Quitter’s Day is ultimately a reflection of our shared human experience of trying, failing, and trying again. But in Christ, we are given the power to endure, the encouragement of His promises, and the assurance that our labor is not in vain. Whether it is January or July, let each of us remember that perseverance is part of God’s plan for our growth and His glory. So, do not quit. Trust in the power of God through the Spirit. Stay faithful as the Lord provides you the power to do so. And rely on God’s strength to carry you forward.

In Christ, we are given the power to endure, the encouragement of His promises, and the assurance that our labor is not in vain. Share on X

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