An Inauguration Day Prayer for Our New President
On this Inauguration Day 2025, we pray for our new President. As did Solomon of old as an immature and inexperienced new king, we pray for our President. Please give our President a discerning heart to make judicious decisions among the people that he may discern between right and wrong as he governs. Help him to be wise in his judgments, discerning in his speech, and prudent in his choices.
Please help the President as he strives to keep the people safe. In his work with the armed forces abroad, the law enforcement at home, and the various agencies entrusted to keep the people safe, please help him to lead them well, support them when in danger, encourage them in their work, and, along with them, provide for the safety of the people.
Please help the President to be a servant to the people. We pray that he would keep his interest focused outward toward others rather than inward toward self. Please help him to grow in humility so that he serves well those who voted for him and those who did not.
Please help the President to have eyes to see the needy, the less fortunate, and the hurting. As he makes decisions, please provide him the insight to think of the most vulnerable in our society. Please grant him discernment as he seeks to balance the needs of the people with both immigrants seeking freedom and refugees needing mercy.
Please help the President to grow in calmness of spirit that he might engage both those who agree and disagree with him in grace and wisdom. Please provide for him a steadiness of resolve as he seeks to do the people’s business. Please grant him wisdom in negotiating honestly, fairly, and shrewdly with international, congressional, and business leaders.
Please help the President to have an ear for wisdom. Grant him wise counselors to provide for him advice that supports the people rather than promotes partisanship. Help those who are around him to offer him guidance that engenders unity, protects individual freedom, and upholds the Constitution. As he faces the many social, economic, and political concerns and trouble areas, please use his advisors to help guide him.
Please help the President to stay safe as he serves his term. Please protect him and his family. Give his doctors wisdom as they serve him and us by caring for his health needs. We pray for the First Lady and the rest of his family as they live through the pressures of the President’s responsibilities. Please help them enjoy their time in the White House. We pray that as individuals and as a family, they all will represent our country well both home and abroad.
Please help the President spiritually. We pray that he would be sensitive to You and Your will. We desire for him to be influenced by followers of Christ. We ask that You would lead him to repentance for past sins, help him take the next step in his own relationship with You whatever that is, and provide him the resolve to live a godly life now. We pray that the gospel of Jesus Christ would impact him in every way.
As the Old Testament prophet Micah proclaimed, please help and bless any effort of our President to live consistent with doing justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with You. Furthermore, we recognize that righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach on any people. We humbly ask that the President, his advisors, and those who work with him would live consistent with Your desire for these things. Whatever efforts are made to do anything less, we pray that You would divinely frustrate those efforts.
In regard to life and religious freedom, we humbly ask that you would use this President to protect life for the unborn through the most aged. We pray that the President would promote, enact, and do those things that allow the Gospel to shine brightly, impact greatly, and bless those in this Nation mightily.
We conclude our prayer with concern for the people, our fellow countrymen, our neighbors. We pray that the people would put politics aside and desire what is best for our country and their neighbors. We ask for wisdom to respond in God-honoring ways to imperfect leadership. Please help all of us to enthusiastically support everything we can, respectfully disagree where necessary, and in all things remember our manners regardless on which side of an issue we are. Grant us as a people the wisdom to see the importance of civility over insolence, kindness over meanness, respect over disrespect, and love over hate.
May all of this be for Your glory and for the good of our new President as well as the people of the United States of America. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, Amen
Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. (1 Timothy 2:1-4)
Image Credit: Public Domain | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together
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