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Our True Hope in this New Trump Administration

Our True Hope in this New Trump Administration

On January 20, 2025, when Chief Justice John Roberts administered the oath of office to our now President, Donald J. Trump, many people all over the United States breathed a great sigh of relief. As I watched the proceedings from home, I, too, said a prayer of thanksgiving in my own heart (here is the Inauguration prayer). After four years of unrighteousness and corruption at its highest levels in the halls of Congress and in the Office of the President, I longed for a change.

Since November, regardless of who we personally voted for, President Trump is the answer to our prayer for relief from the unrighteous regime that ruled in Washington, D.C. – so unrighteous, in fact, that President Biden pardoned handfuls of people preemptively, even releasing a pardon for his own family in the waning moments of his administration. Praise the Lord, President Biden and his supporting cast are gone. In light of this answered prayer, do we place our hope in President Trump and the new Trump administration? In fact, what is our true hope in this new Trump administration?

The Hope of Every Christian

The true hope of every Christian is rooted in the unshakable truth found in the Living Word as we learn of Him in the written Word. It is the hope of salvation in Christ alone, a salvation that transcends the circumstances of this world and secures us an eternal inheritance in His presence. As we are so beautifully reminded by the Apostle Peter:

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time (1 Peter 1:3-5).

Our hope is not dependent on political outcomes or the shifting sands of human governments, but on the finished work of Jesus Christ – His life, death, and resurrection. Our wonderful Savior, Jesus Christ, has already accomplished everything necessary for our salvation, and that is the hope we cling to every day.

Any person who places their hope in President Donald Trump and his new administration, or a Republican-controlled Congress, or a conservative Supreme Court, or a specific political party, or any government will truly be disappointed. None of these people or institutions provide true hope – this is true always regardless of who wields the power.

How Do We Understand Hope Then?

When a new political administration begins, the follower of Christ should desire, first and foremost, for God’s will to be done. The heart of every Christian should be one of submission to God’s sovereignty, praying that the new leaders would govern with wisdom, justice, and integrity (Micah 6:8), and that they would honor the values of righteousness and truth that reflect God’s character (Rom 13:1-7; Prov 14:34). This, of course, is not a call to political passivity, but a recognition that our ultimate allegiance is to God, not to any president, earthly ruler, or political party.

As believers, we also need to long for the advancement of the gospel, regardless of who holds power. Every two years for the Congress and four for the Office of the President, political leaders come and go; however, the mandate for every person in the body of Christ remains the same. Our goal as individuals and for every local church is to make disciples and proclaim Christ to all nations (Matt 28:18-20). Therefore, we should desire that the policies of a new administration would allow for freedom to share the gospel, and that Christians would continue to live out their faith boldly, even in the face of opposition. (The past four years brought unprecedented attack on churches, religious institutions, and individual Christians in the United States.)

At the beginning of a new political season, we should pray for the peace and flourishing of our nation – not out of hope that politics will solve all our problems, but because we are called to love our neighbors and seek the good of the place where God has placed us, as God so precisely told the captives through Jeremiah so precisely: “And seek the peace of the city where I have caused you to be carried away captive, and pray to the Lord for it; for in its peace you will have peace” (Jer 29:7).

Ultimately, our deepest desire is that through the changes in government, God’s kingdom would advance while our hearts would remain firmly fixed on the hope we have in Christ.

For Those Who Like Lists – Five Reasons to Place Your Hope in God rather than President Trump

  1. God is sovereign over everything.
    Political systems and human leaders are temporary, but God is eternal and sovereign over all things (Ps 47:8). No matter who sits in power, God is ultimately in control, and His purposes will prevail. Politics are subject to change, but God’s rule is unshakable. As we are reminded, the leader’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, Like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes (Prov 29:1).
  2. All humans are fallible; Only God provides divine perfection.
    Although this is true for everyone political, certainly President Trump and every person around him in politics are fallen humans. All politicians as they go about doing their deeds are fallen, as well as to one degree or another inevitably marred by sin, self-interest, and corruption (Romans 3:23). While some are called to engage in politics and as we all are stewards of the government around us, we must not place our trust in flawed human systems. Christ, however, is perfect, and His kingdom is one of righteousness, peace, and justice (Isaiah 9:7).
  3. Christ is the True Savior.
    This is 100% true now under President Trump and always, governments and political ideologies cannot save us. They cannot transform hearts or provide eternal life. Further, they cannot guarantee righteousness or righteous people. Only Christ can redeem us from sin and offer the hope of everlasting life (John 14:6). Our salvation comes through Him alone, not through a political platform or a particular politician.
  4. True hope does not disappoint.
    Politicians, political systems, and governments often fail to deliver on their promises, which leads to disappointment and, sometimes, disillusionment (Ps 146:3-4). This is true for President Trump, his administration, and the Republican Congress as it ever has been. On the other hand, the hope we have in Christ is a hope that does not disappoint (Rom 5:5). He is faithful, and His promises are secure.
  5. We must keep an eternal perspective versus temporary moments and solutions.
    Politics focuses on earthly, temporary solutions to problems that may seem urgent or significant in the moment. However, placing our hope in Christ directs us toward an eternal perspective – fixing our eyes on what lasts forever (2 Cor 4:16-18). As we are reminded over and over in the New Testament, this world is not our home; we are pilgrims; we are citizens of a new and better place; our place is reserved in heaven. Therefore, ultimately, political change can only address temporary issues. Only Christ and His righteousness as it is applied in the hearts of those who receive Him address the eternal need of all humanity.

Rejoice in Answered Prayer, even as You Bear a Burden

In a world that often looks to politics for answers, we must remember that our true hope lies in Christ and His unchanging Word. Our peace, security, and ultimate future are anchored in Him alone. We can praise God for a change in administration – and rightly should. All followers of Jesus Christ should rejoice in this change of administration.

However, at the same exact moment, all Christians should be burdened at the beginning of this administration as well. We recognize that this President, his administration, and the Congress do not represent true hope and change. All of them are sinners, most of them are unregenerate, and God still needs to intervene for the sake of righteousness. They do disappoint us and will disappoint us in some or many ways. In light of this, may we trust God, place our hope in Christ alone, and pray for this new administration to be used by God for His will, the benefit of the gospel, and the good of the people.

Image Credit: Public Domain | Wisdom for Life in Christ Together


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