Pass-A-Longs: Shared for You
I’m happy to share some of this week’s social media highlights. I think you’ll...
Read MoreFeb 26, 2016 | Pass-A-Longs | 0 |
I’m happy to share some of this week’s social media highlights. I think you’ll...
Read MoreFeb 19, 2016 | Pass-A-Longs | 0 |
It’s been a fun week of “Love” on social media. I’ve included a few good links for you to consider plus some stuff for folks that go to church related to your pastor’s salary, how much to pay a...
Read MoreFeb 12, 2016 | Counseling, Holidays | 1 |
How often do you consider what you mean when you say, “I love you” to that special person? The actual words are not hard to say. The bigger issue is, What exactly do they mean? Or, in other words, What is their...
Read MoreFeb 11, 2016 | Resources - Session Notes | 2 |
For those in the session today on ACBC Counselors Exam Questions 11 & 12, here are the PowerPoint slides. Great session together – thank you for your enthusiasm and willingness to prepare to better serve the body of...
Read MoreJan 8, 2016 | Pass-A-Longs | 1 |
Jan 1, 2016 | Church, Counseling, Holidays | 0 |
What kind of person are you? Is there an area where you want to change? One of the most interesting Bible passages when considering a person’s life or character is Acts 13. Here Paul is preaching about Jesus – the son of David....
Read MoreDec 11, 2015 | Counseling, Personal | 0 |
The Biblical Counseling Coalition met this week for its fifth annual leadership retreat at...
Read MoreHope. Isn’t hope a great word? Are you like me and many times you need a little hope or lots of hope? This is one of those weeks. Terrorists killing fellow citizens in San Bernardino drive home the fact that the world is broken...
Read MoreHave you ever had a year when you thought Thanksgiving holiday didn’t fit it very well? Tragedies. Job loss. Recession. Natural disasters. Politics. Add to this the times people have sinned against you through reckless gossip,...
Read More(Revised version 9:00 PM) I hate politics. However as a Christian, we live in a nation with a political system. As citizens of Heaven and the United States, it is both necessary and appropriate to engage in this conversation. We...
Read MoreI can see you, kind of. As I write, I am flying at 30,000 feet above the Ozarks. I can see Table...
Read MoreHappy November! November provides an opportunity on the calendar to stop and remember the many...
Read MoreSep 29, 2015 | Church, Counseling | 0 |
Are you prepared to minister to a homosexual? Can God use you to help someone committed to a...
Read MoreFor most issues in life – and on social media – I find that I can be neutral. Time after time I...
Read MoreMemorial Day is much more than just the start of summer vacation season. Memorial Day is for...
Read MoreA Thank You Note to Mothers A mere “Thank you” doesn’t seem adequate to cover the depth of our gratitude for mothers in God’s gracious plan for humanity. This blog is for you, mom. However, the space is inadequate to describe...
Read MoreHow today can we be thankful in light of the recent events? Ferguson Because of Ferguson, we are reminded of the depth of our own depravity as a people. Pressures surround this issue. The justice system cannot and will not...
Read MoreThere are so many questions still related to what is ultimately going to happen in this election. Who knows what will happen today? I hear many on both sides of the isle say what they “think” – which in most cases is no more...
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