Blog-Cool-Ideas-for-Summer-Vacation2-05.18.17For many children, summer has started! That’s great news for our kiddos but may not be as exciting for parents. What do we do with them now over the next three months?

Of course you have your usual suspects like summer school, vacation Bible schools, and church camps. Any one of those may be a great idea for your particular child. Plus there are many other ideas to keep in mind.

Planning Active Fun and Learning Experiences:

Keep your children up and going.

  • Check with your local department of parks and recreation about day camps and other activities.
  • Find out the local pool hours and prices with phone numbers.
  • Do some research and create a calendar of local summer learning fun that you do not want to miss.
  • You can always plan and plant a small vegetable or flower garden.
  • Make cool things together (inside or outside, use imaginations).
  • Plan an overnight camping trip (even if it is in the back yard) or go fishing.
  • Arrange for your children to spend time with other single and married adults in the church as well as to hang out with other children.

Planning Service Projects:

Don’t let summer pass you by without helping your children consider others in the community.

  • Talk with your pastor or youth pastor to get ideas on how to serve people through your church.
  • Go to a local rehab center or nursing home and ask about what you can do to encourage some folks there.
  • Call local non-profits to find out what needs they have that you may be able to help facilitate.
  • Watch the local community events page for community service activities.

Build Reading and Writing into Everyday Activities:

Summer is fun but should not be a break from practicing what they already know.

  • Watch TV with the sound off and closed captioning on.
  • Using planning for a meal or some other household project, have the child think through the steps, necessary ingredients, and procedures to accomplish the desired task. Write down those steps and explain it to mom or dad.
  • Write online together. Here is a link that may help you get started.

Helpful Links to Check Out Other Great Ideas:

Let someone else be creative for you. Check out these options.

Go have fun with your family this summer.

Parents, don’t forget, sometimes children just need some down time as well. I appreciate both my wife and mother-in-law who have helped me remember this. It is easy for me to over-program and/or just be simply be over busy.

Make sure that you prioritize church this summer as it will help keep your children engaged in their walk with Christ and involvement with other children. Sports, vacations, and other activities are not as important as their relationship with God through Christ. Parents, don’t forget many times we teach louder through our actions than our words.

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What are you hoping to do this summer to engage your children?